Full Body Plethysmograph Penh

Penh enhanced pause data for pulmonary flow

The AcqKnowledge® Full Body Plethysmograph – Penh analysis is part of a suite of three automated respiration routines. The other two are Compliance and Resistance and Pulmonary Air Flow. Each routine provides breath-by-breath analysis, event marking and exporting of the values to excel.

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Full Body Plethysmography Penh

The Penh analysis measures data from an animal inside a full body plethysmograph. A single channel of airflow signal is recorded from the chamber and used for the analysis. The software looks for the plateau, based on a user defined percentage of exhaled air. When the exhaled air reaches the user threshold the system will look at the plateau that occurs before the animals starts the next breath. The analysis will take the following measures from the data.


Name Abbrev. Description Units
Cycle Index of the exhalation cycle in the data, beginning at 1.
Time Starting time of the exhale for the cycle. This is the location of the Exhale Start event. Seconds
Peak inspiratory flow PIF Maximum absolute airflow occurring in the inspiration cycle immediately preceding the exhalation cycle. This measure is recorded as an interval, so its value is always positive. Airflow channel units
Peak expiratory flow PEF Maximum airflow during the exhalation cycle being examined. Airflow channel units
Exhalation time Te Total time elapsed between the start of the exhalation cycle and the end.
This is the time interval between the Exhale Start and following Inhale Start events.
Relaxation time interval Rt Time required for the subject to exhale the specified percentage of the total exhaled air. This is the time interval between the Exhale Start and the subsequent Recovery event. Seconds
Pause Numerical factor describing the characteristics of the plateau at the end of the expiration cycle. Computed using the formula: (Te/Rt)-1
Enhanced pause Penh Pause scaled to be relative to the strength of the inhale and exhale.  This helps take breathing variability into account.  Computed using the following formula: (PEF/PIF)*Pause


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