Exercise Physiology and Biomechanics

The Biopac Student Lab Exercise Physiology and Biomechanics Core Discipline package makes it simple to combine a wide range of respiratory system and pulmonary function signals with biomechanical data. Use the new gas analysis system for online analysis of expired O2 and CO2 levels. Simultaneously record continuous, noninvasive blood pressure, and cardiac output (bioimpedance method). The system easily interfaces with force plates, motion analysis equipment, and other instrumentation. Students have a variety of experimental options from more than 20 specialized exercise physiology/biomechanics lessons.

“I purchased the Advanced System and have found the student labs helpful in explaining and demonstrating physiological concepts and current technology. Personally, I have been using the PRO software for my own research purposes. I have instrumented an old cybex isokinetic ergometer with a force transducer to measure force and a potentiometer to measure joint angle. Data acquisition has been going very smoothly. I have been quite impressed with the PRO software and its abilities. I have set up a calculation channel that accounts for gravity’s affect on limb weight at all joint angles throughout a range of motion. This allows me to accurately estimate muscular resistance. Our area rep took the time to come down to see us and has been helpful with questions.”  —Dain LaRoche, Johnson State College, Environmental and Health Sciences

The Biopac Student Lab Exercise Physiology and Biomechanics Core Discipline package provides educators with a complete, flexible teaching system that not only allows the study of the most widely studied responses in Exercise Physiology and Biomechanics, but also provides life science educators with an integrated system of hardware, software, and curriculum which increases student engagement and provides extensive instructor support—before, during, and after the lab. Dynamic experiments with students as subjects increase interest and retention. Basic lessons guide and prompt students. Promote student inquiry with advanced options or develop user-defined lessons and research projects. Extensive customization options, including the Curriculum Management System licensed feature, allow instructors an unprecedented level of control over lesson content and presentation.

Features (PDF)
  • 27 lessons targeted for Exercise Phys. and Biomechanics
  • Add four lessons with the Exercise Phys. transducer accessory pack BSLEXP-TA
  • ECG, EEG, EMG, EOG and EGG
  • Respiration
  • Temperature
  • Airflow and Lung Volume
  • Gas Analysis (CO2 and O2) Metabolic Cart
  • Cardiac Output (via bioimpedance)
  • Respiratory Exchange Ratio
  • Basal or Resting Metabolic Rate
  • Motor Unit Recruitment
  • 12-Lead ECG
  • Heart Sounds
  • Blood Pressure
  • Stroke Volume
  • Gait Analysis (including Heel-Toe Strike)
  • Range of Motion
  • Acceleration, Velocity, Distance
Suitable for inquiry-based, active learning in 2-yr. and 4-yr. programs, medical schools, and nursing programs. Powerful setup and analysis tools make the BSL ideal for graduate studies and personal research.


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