New Citations | BIOPAC in Athletic Performance Research

With the anticipation of the 2024 Olympics, there has been lots of recent research on athletic performance. Researchers have recorded physiological measures to provide insight for athletes trying to maximize their abilities. Here are a few studies that look into what practices can help athletes reach optimal performance… H2OAthletes study protocol: effects of hydration changes […]

New Citations | BIOPAC in Speech and Communication Research

Speech and communication are integral parts of human relationships and development. As such, researchers strive to understand the ways to enhance communication and improve speech. Here are a couple of studies that aim to improve communication using BIOPAC research tools… Heart-to-heart: infant heart rate at 3 months is linked to infant-directed speech, mother–infant interaction, and later […]

New Citations | BIOPAC in Exercise Studies

Research in exercise can help us to understand how our bodies function and how to maximize performance. Here are some recent studies that used BIOPAC tools to look at ways to improve exercise recovery and sports performance… Effects of Percussive Massage Treatments on Symptoms Associated with Eccentric Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage. Journal of Sports Science and […]

New Citations | BIOPAC in Biology Research

Biology research covers a wide variety of studies all aiming to understand living organisms better. Here are just a few of the recent biology studies that have used BIOPAC tools for their findings… Improved Cardiovascular Effects of a Novel Pomegranate Byproduct Extract Obtained through Hydrodynamic Cavitation. Nutrients, 16(4), 506. Antonelli, M., Benedetti, G., Calderone, V., Donelli, […]

New Citations | BIOPAC and BCI

Applying brain-computer interfaces and robotics to research opens doors to lots of new possibilities. There are many capabilities for this new technology and here are a few recent studies that have utilized this tech along with BIOPAC tools in order to explore new areas… Sharing imagery and analysis tools in a simulated submarine control room. […]

New Citations | BIOPAC and Mindfulness

Much of modern research aims to objectively record emotion and mindfulness in order to better understand the human condition. Here are a few recent studies that utilized BIOPAC equipment and found ways to do so… The role of urban green space in promoting health and well-being is related to nature connectedness and biodiversity: Evidence from […]

New Citations | BIOPAC in VR Studies

Virtual reality has expanded research capabilities, providing researchers with the ability to simulate situations and environments they wouldn’t otherwise have access to. Read these recent studies that utilized virtual reality along with BIOPAC equipment in their research… Assessing biodiversity’s impact on stress and affect from urban to conservation areas: A virtual reality study. Ecological Indicators, 158, […]

BIOPAC Citations | 2023 in Review

BIOPAC was cited in over 2,400 studies this year, coming to a total of over 50,000 all time! We love seeing how researchers use our tools in their work, and there were a lot of interesting studies this past year. Here is a recap of some of the publications we’ve seen this year… How Long […]

Citation Spotlight | Menstrual Cycle-Driven Hormones & Brain Changes

BIOPAC is pleased to recognize the first-author contribution of Viktoriya Babenko, BIOPAC Research Scientist, for Menstrual cycle-driven hormone concentrations co-fluctuate with white and grey matter architecture changes across the whole brain, a study that evolved from her PhD Dissertation work for her degree from the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). The study, which she […]

New Citations | BIOPAC in MRI Research

Scientists have been able to discover how the mind and body work together through combining recorded physiological signals and the use of MRIs. Read the studies below to discover how to incorporate BIOPAC equipment with MRI research… A video-game-based method to induce states of high and low flow. Behavior Research Methods, 1-33. Joessel, F., Pichon, […]