Monthly Archives: October 2015

Emotions, Yelling and Alcohol—New Citations

Yelling and Aerobics

Emotions in Action Researchers Blakemore et al. have recently performed a study evaluating increased force production as a response to emotionally stimulating images. Subjects’ finger grip force measurements were amplified with a DA100C general purpose transducer amp, and data for force and respiratory effort were acquired with an MP150 and analyzed with AcqKnowledge software. The study details […]

Fear of Flying, Cycling and Paradoxical Pain—New Citations

Fear of Flying Virtual Reality provides a safe environment for treatment of patients with phobias through vivo exposure, although generalization of this type of treatment is rare. Researchers recently used virtual reality equipment to treat a young woman for her fear of flying. They used a BIOPAC VR ultimate system for the patient’s six sessions […]