223 – Physiological Measurement in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Systems

Generally considered, if the transducer is able to be used in the MRI (see BIOPAC MRI Use declarations), the transducer signal can be relatively easily recorded during an MRI scan (an MRI Overview begins on page 3). Transducer signals are typically high level and slow moving. These two features allow the transducer signal to be easily filtered to remove MRI artifact to produce the clean signal.


Associated Files

Associated Applications

  • Micro Pressure Measurement - MPMS Systems provide accurate data, high speed, and small sensor size. Ideal for small animal research studies such as ICP and LVP. MRI compatible sensors available.
  • Psychophysiology - Record and analyze BP, ECG, HRV, EDA, EMG, EEG, EOG, RSP, etc. Interface to stimulus presentation programs...use automated analysis routines to easily score and analyze data.
  • Plethysmography - Record PPG, measure BP indirectly, look at appendage size variations, and perform sexual arousal studies using BIOPAC or 3rd-party transducers.
  • Cardiovascular Hemodynamics - Hardware for human and animals. Measure continuous BP, ECG, stroke volume, cardiac output, PPG, etc. For animal and tissue look at acute and chronic dose-response.
  • Amplifiers & Interfaces - Use BIOPAC amplifiers with MP Systems, as stand-alone devices, or with 3rd-party flow meters, force plates, sono-micrometers, telemetry equipment, metabolic carts, etc.
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging with BIOPAC Equipment - Electrodes, electrode leads, transducers, and stimulus options for safe data acquisition in the MRI. Record biopotentials, temperature, respiration, EDA, dynamometry, blood pressure, etc.


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