
Data Acquisition and Analysis Solutions for Psychophysiology Research

Supports plethysmography, sleep studies & neuromarketing research

Record and analyze ECG, EEG, EGG, EMG, EOG, ICG & Cardiac output

AcqKnowledge ECG, Respiration, EDA (GSR), heart rate data

In-lab and Real-world Recording

Use AcqKnowledge® and BIOPAC® MP Systems to power your emotion, arousal, stress, cognitive assessment, group interaction, startle, and other psychophysiology research! Now with hardware options for remote studies, record your subjects in their natural environment. Wirelessly record a wide variety of autonomic nervous system functions including heart rate, electrodermal activity (EDA), skin temperature (SKT), muscle tension (EMG), neuronal activity (EEG), eye movement (EOG), or gastric smooth muscle contractions (EGG) with BioNomadix®. Continuous noninvasive blood pressure is also available to capture immediate changes in BP before, during and after stimulus presentation. Record via standard amplifiers in the lab or record with BIOPAC’s MRI Smart Amplifiers to record signals during fMRI.

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Hardware Packages   |   Psychophysiology

Hardware Bundles are complete solutions for the specified application. Choose your preferred platform and bundle, then click "Request Pricing" to request an estimate, add/remove items, or complete purchase. If you have questions about specific items, click through to the product web page for details and specifications, or contact your Local Sales contact.





Use AcqKnowledge‘s fully  automated analysis routines for: Heart Rate Variability (HRV), Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia (RSA), Impedance Cardiography (ICG), Muscle Activation (startle paradigms), Lead II ECG Analysis, Skin Conductance Response (SCR) Analysis, EEG Frequency Analysis, EMG Frequency Analysis. The software automatically scores data to indicate where the measurement was taken and displays the measurement as a new channel, or exports results to a Journal file or a spreadsheet.

Display measurements (e.g., mean, max, min values and standard deviation) during or after data collection. Combine physiological and psychological (self-assessment) responses for a detailed study. Mark events and write comments as they occur or after the fact and interface directly to stimulus presentation programs such as SuperLab, E-Prime, Presentation, and Vizard.

Combine stimulus presentation and virtual reality with electrical, auditory, somatosensory, and olfactory stimulation using BIOPAC’s range of synchronized stimulation solutions to record visual (VEP), auditory (AEP), somatosensory (SEP), olfactory (OERP) evoked potentials.

Video single or multiple subjects and synchronize the video with the physiological data. Replay the video and pause at a point of interest and see the exact point in the physiological record, or select a point in the physiological data and the video will advance to the corresponding video frame.

BIOPAC Hardware PlatformsComplete solutions for psychology research with fNIR Mobita and AcqKnowledge

  • MP Research Systems – MP200 for up to 16 channels or MP36R 4-ch universal amplifier
  • BioNomadix – Wireless Dual-Channel Physiology Amplifiers or Logger
  • B-Alert X Series – 9-Channel X10 or 20-Channel X24 Wireless EEG System with Cognitive States Analysis
  • APEX EEG Systems 24-channel or 32-channel high-quality signals from wired, wireless, or data logger
  • fNIRS Imaging – Whole-head+EEG or Prefrontal Cortex
  • BioHarness – Wearable telemetry and logging physiology system
  • Stellar – Small animal telelemtry system for blood pressure and biopotentials
  • Epoch – implantable transmitters for rodent EEG, ECG, EMG or multi-signal

Automated Analysis with AcqKnowledge

  • EDA Analysis
  • EEG Analysis
  • Facial EMG Analysis
  • ECG Analysis
  • HRV Analysis
  • RSA Analysis
  • ICG Analysis
  • Stim-Response Analysis
  • Noninvasive BP

Advanced Features Spotlight

HRV epoch analysis

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Analysis Software

AcqKnowledge® includes a series of automated Heart Rate Variability (HRV) analysis tools that conform to international cardiology standards. It is possible to perform the analysis More...

VR with scent

Scent Delivery in Virtual Reality

Use Scent Delivery in Virtual Reality for enhanced user experience, olfactory research, marketing research, and similar applications. The Scent Delivery System projects scents on cue More...

Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR)

MP Devices can be used for a wide variety of Brainstem Evoked Potential (BEP), Brainstem Evoked Response (BER), Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potential (BAEP), Brainstem Auditory More...

Cognitive State Analysis

Assess Cognitive Activity in Real-Life Situations Powerful Neuroscience Solutions from BIOPAC More...

Affect data


Affect is a bodily-expressed physiological state that indicates felt experience. Emotions are personally significant psychophysiological states that result from the felt experience of thoughts and More...


HRV Analysis: Fully-automated Routine in AcqKnowledge

Marking and Interpolating Segments

Multi-Subject Video Monitoring Systems from BIOPAC

Classify Heartbeats

EDA - SCR Event Related Analysis

Poker Study | BioNomadix Wireless Data

Eye Tracking Demonstration

Eye Tracking & Physiology - Synchronized Data

EL-CHECK Electrode Impedance Checker


Psychophysiology Resources

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New Citations | BIOPAC in EEG Studies

Electroencephalography (EEG) is a highly versatile signal in physiology research Researchers are...

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