141 – Tri-axial Accelerometer Calibration – TSD109 series or SS26/27

Tri-axial accelerometers are high-level output transducers requiring no additional amplification since the amplifier is built into the transducer. They provide three outputs, each simultaneously measuring acceleration in the X, Y, and Z direction. They connect directly to the AMI100D Amplifier Module Interface—released in 2019—and the older HLT100C High-Level Transducer module or TEL100C module; check connection compatibility by specific part number, including suffix.

  • 5 g accelerometers are well-suited for measuring slow movements
  • 50 g accelerometers are designed to measure quick movements

Precise acceleration measurements can be obtained with the equipment and scaling parameters detailed in this application note.

Associated Files

Associated Applications

  • Psychophysiology - Record and analyze BP, ECG, HRV, EDA, EMG, EEG, EOG, RSP, etc. Interface to stimulus presentation programs...use automated analysis routines to easily score and analyze data.
  • Exercise Physiology - Examine ventilation, oxygen uptake, carbon dioxide production, biopotentials, temp., and biomechanical signals simultaneously. Record wirelessly with BioNomadix.
  • EMG: Electromyography - Record surface, needle, and fine wire EMG—or wireless EMG with BioNomadix. Use real-time integration tools for immediate analysis or use automated EMG analysis routines.


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