
Affect data

Affect is a bodily-expressed physiological state that indicates felt experience. Emotions are personally significant psychophysiological states that result from the felt experience of thoughts and sensations. Emotions are often measured by affective display. BIOPAC has research and teaching solutions for affect studies. Measure ECG, fEMG, eccrine activity, respiration, pulse rate, and more with wired, wireless, and MRI-compatible solutions.

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  • Social Support & Psychophysiology Laboratory Training | UCSB Sherman Lab – With assistance from a UCSB Instructional Improvement Mini-Grant, the Sherman Lab at UC Santa Barbara produced this video for a laboratory lesson on the impact of social support on physiological stress responses that discusses the following concepts: psychophysiological indices; sympathetic vs. parasympathetic responses; affect vs. emotion; and the Circumplex Model of Affect.
  • FaceReader Affective Attitudes – This video shows the real-time capability of the FaceReader facial expression analysis software ‘Action Unit Module’ to measure three commonly used affective attitudes: boredom, confusion, and interest.

Learn more about affect in these BIOPAC Blog posts:


Social Support & Psychophysiology Laboratory Training | UCSB Sherman Lab

BSL Systems | Psychophysiology & Neurophysiology Teaching System

FaceReader Affective Attitudes

Integrating BIOPAC Research Systems | Data Acquisition & Analysis


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New Citations | BIOPAC in Athletic Performance Research

With the anticipation of the 2024 Olympics, there has been lots of recent research on athletic...

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