118 – EMG Signal Analysis

The analysis of the EMG signal in the frequency domain involves measurements and parameters which describe specific aspects of the frequency spectrum of the signal. Two parameters of the power density spectrum may be easily used to provide useful measures of the EMG frequency spectrum. The two measures of interest are:

  • Median Frequency of the EMG Spectrum
  • Mean Frequency of the EMG Spectrum

If the EMG spectrum has a normal distribution, the Median and Mean frequencies will be identical. Any deviation from normality will result in differing values for the Median and Mean frequencies.

This application note illustrates how to extract median and mean values for the frequency spectra of EMG signals. AcqKnowledge is used to calculate these parameters after the EMG data has been collected.

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Associated Applications

  • Psychophysiology - Record and analyze BP, ECG, HRV, EDA, EMG, EEG, EOG, RSP, etc. Interface to stimulus presentation programs...use automated analysis routines to easily score and analyze data.
  • Sleep Studies - Long term recordings with up to 16 channels of data. Record EEG, EOG, EMG, respiration, temp., sound, limb position and more. Filter out EEG frequencies to score sleep stages.
  • Exercise Physiology - Examine ventilation, oxygen uptake, carbon dioxide production, biopotentials, temp., and biomechanical signals simultaneously. Record wirelessly with BioNomadix.
  • EMG: Electromyography - Record surface, needle, and fine wire EMG—or wireless EMG with BioNomadix. Use real-time integration tools for immediate analysis or use automated EMG analysis routines.
  • Biomechanics - Use BIOPAC equipment for gait analysis, goniometry, ergonomics evaluation, range of motion, EMG, Remote Monitoring or to interface with third-party equipment.
  • Remote Monitoring - BioNomadix modules provide high quality, full-bandwidth data for a variety of signals—ECG, EEG, EGG, EMG, EOG, PPG, RSP, SKT, Accelerometry, Cardiac Output, Dynamometry, and Heel-Toe Strike.
  • Amplifiers & Interfaces - Use BIOPAC amplifiers with MP Systems, as stand-alone devices, or with 3rd-party flow meters, force plates, sono-micrometers, telemetry equipment, metabolic carts, etc.
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging with BIOPAC Equipment - Electrodes, electrode leads, transducers, and stimulus options for safe data acquisition in the MRI. Record biopotentials, temperature, respiration, EDA, dynamometry, blood pressure, etc.


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