140 – Goniometers: Angular Measurements

Goniometers are devices capable of transforming angular position into a proportional electrical signal. The Biopac Student Lab series goniometers incorporate gauge elements which measure bending strain along or around a particular axis. The bending strain is proportional to the sum total angular shift along the axis. Because the bending force is extremely small, the output signal is uniquely a proportional function of the angular shift.

The Biopac Student Lab series goniometers are designed for the measurement of limb angular movement. All the goniometers are unobtrusive and lightweight and can be attached to the body surface using double sided surgical tape and can be further secured with single sided tape. Activity data can be displayed and recorded, leaving the subject to move freely in the normal environment. All goniometers have a telescopic endblock which compensates for changes in distance between the two mounting points as the limb moves. The gauge mechanism allows for accurate measurement of polycentric joints.

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  • Remote Monitoring - BioNomadix modules provide high quality, full-bandwidth data for a variety of signals—ECG, EEG, EGG, EMG, EOG, PPG, RSP, SKT, Accelerometry, Cardiac Output, Dynamometry, and Heel-Toe Strike.


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