271 – Synchronizing B-Alert and MP150 on separate computers

This application note details hardware and software setup to synchronize a B-Alert System with an MP150 System running on two separate computers.

Basic Overview

  1. Connect the 3.5 mm phone jack connector to the Analog Output (A0) port on the front of the UIM100C, and attach to the ECG input of the B-Alert Systems.
  2. Set up the MP150 System and AcqKnowledge software as required for the experiment.
  3. In the AcqKnowledge software on the computer for the MP150: Choose MP150 > Set Up Stimulator and set parameters
  4. In the AcqKnowledge software on the computer for the B-Alert: Choose B-Alert > Set Up Channels and check Acquire and Plot for Analog Channel 1 (A1/EKG).
  5. Click the Start button in the AcqKnowledgeSoftware for the B-Alert System.
    • IMPORTANT: You must start AcqKnowledge for the B-Alert System before starting AcqKnowledge for the MP150 system.
  6. Click the Start button in the AcqKnowledge software for the MP150 System.
  7. Observe the B-Alert data. A negative and positive spike*should appear. (If necessary for a better view, autoscale CH1 and hide additional channels.)
    • * Due to filtering applied by the EKG channel, the square wave will appear truncated in the B-Alert waveform. If desired, an AC-coupled sine wave can be used instead for a more accurate representation.
  8. After data recording is complete, return to the beginning of the B-Alert graph where the stimulus occurred.
  9. Highlight all data before the stimulus, and choose Edit > Clear All.
  10. The MP150 Data is now synched to the B-Alert Data (time point ‘zero’ of the MP150 data file equals time point ‘zero’ of the B-Alert data file).

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