Calibration in Volts, Millivolts, Microvolts

Calibration is performed prior to recording. It is assumed that the amplifier has no offset; see baseline offset if necessary.

The gain of an amplifier  indicates the factor of amplification of the input signal. If a signal’s amplitude is 1 millivolt and the gain is 10, the signal will be amplified to 10 millivolts.

1 Volt = 1,000 millivolts = 1,000,000 microvolts = 1,000,000,000 nanovolts

 These calibration instructions apply to the following amplifiers: ECG100C, EEG100C, EGG100C, EMG100C, EOG100C, ERS100C, DA100C, MCE100C.

Note the gain setting on the amplifier (usually the top switch on the face of the amplifier). Let the gain be X. Enter the following values in the Scaling dialog:

To calibrate in Volts:
CAL1    Input Volts: 0     Scale Value: 0
CAL2    Input Volts: X     Scale Value: 1
Units:   V

To calibrate in Millivolts:
CAL1    Input Volts: 0      Scale Value: 0
CAL2    Input Volts: X      Scale Value: 1000
Units:   mV

To calibrate in Microvolts:
CAL1    Input Volts: 0      Scale Value: 0
CAL2    Input Volts: X      Scale Value: 1000000
Units:   µV


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