141 – Tri-Axial Accelerometer Calibration – BSL

Tri-axial accelerometers are high-level output transducers requiring no additional amplification since the amplifier is built into the transducer.

They connect directly to the MP3X unit of the Biopac Student Lab System to provide three outputs, each simultaneously measuring acceleration in the X, Y, and Z direction.

The 5 g accelerometer is well suited for measuring slow movements, whereas the 50 g accelerometer is made to measure quick movements.

With the proper equipment and proper scaling parameters listed below, precise acceleration measurements can be obtained.

Associated Files

Associated Applications

  • Sleep Studies - Long term recordings with up to 16 channels of data. Record EEG, EOG, EMG, respiration, temp., sound, limb position and more. Filter out EEG frequencies to score sleep stages.
  • Biomechanics - Use BIOPAC equipment for gait analysis, goniometry, ergonomics evaluation, range of motion, EMG, Remote Monitoring or to interface with third-party equipment.
  • Remote Monitoring - BioNomadix modules provide high quality, full-bandwidth data for a variety of signals—ECG, EEG, EGG, EMG, EOG, PPG, RSP, SKT, Accelerometry, Cardiac Output, Dynamometry, and Heel-Toe Strike.


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