227 – Biopac Student Lab Publications

BSL Systems have been cited in thousands of Scientific Papers.

Selected citations are provided below—for a complete list, search Google Scholar for Biopac Student Lab software and related hardware: MP36, MP46, or MP41 (or older MP35, MP30, MP45, MP40) and associated BSL transducers.

Featured Articles—Using BSL in Your Lab

“…these systems have successfully transformed the physiology laboratory”
— Understanding data collection in the modern physiology laboratory. Stasinos Stavrianeas.

“BIOPAC Systems offers an excellent package for students to explore physiology while honing their skills in measurement and instrumentation techniques.”
Virtual instruments in undergraduate biomedical engineering laboratories. Trumbower, R.D.; Enderle, J.D.

“Students’ favorable feedback indicates the quality of learning in the laboratories was enhanced by the addition of physiologic measurements.”
Use of Real-Time Physiologic Parameter Assessment to Augment Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment Training for First-Year Osteopathic Medical Students. Deborah M. Heath, DO; Inder Raj S. Makin, MD, PhD; Chandhana Pedapati, BS; Jonathon Kirsch, DO.

“BIOPAC products are known for their user-friendliness and utility within undergraduate neuroscience courses. Students may use these packages to record and study aspects of human physiology, including motor neuron activity and heart rate.”
Recommendations for Developing an EEG Laboratory at a Primarily Undergraduate Institution. Ledwidge P, Foust J, Ramsey A.

Sample Citations

Search Google Scholar to find recent or application-specific studies like these:


New Citations | BIOPAC in Speech and Communication Research

Speech and communication are integral parts of human relationships and development As such,...

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