283 – fMRI Imaging Sequencing Effects upon Physiological Measurement

This application note is concerned with the relationship between fMRI imaging sequences and associated physiological measurements, when subjects are monitored in the fMRI. In particular, this note addresses the impact that imaging sequence types have upon simultaneously recorded electrocardiography (ECG) and impedance cardiography (ICG) subject measurements.

Blood Oxygen Level Dependent Effect (BOLD) Imaging typesEcho Planar Imaging (EPI), Multiband (MB) Excitation, and Multiplexed-EPI (M-EPI) Sequencing—are explained, and Axial, Coronal, and Sagittal slices are reviewed.

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  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging with BIOPAC Equipment - Electrodes, electrode leads, transducers, and stimulus options for safe data acquisition in the MRI. Record biopotentials, temperature, respiration, EDA, dynamometry, blood pressure, etc.


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