Text files – import and export

Saving an AcqKnowledge file as a text file.
  • Go to File > Save As
  • From the drop-down menu for Save as type select Text
  • Click on the Options button
    • If Include header is checked the following information will be included in the beginning
      of the file: file path, sample rate, number of channels, name of each channel as well as
      measurement units for each channel, etc.
    • If Selected section only is checked then only the data currently highlighted (with the I-beam
      tool) will be exported.
    • If Horizontal scale values is selected then time values will be included as the first column
      of the resulting text file.

In the exported text file each column represents data from a different channel. If Horizontal scale values was selected then the first column contains the time values. Here is an example of an exported text file.

10.000000 msec/sample
3 channels
Blood Pressure
ms CH0 CH1 CH2
2 2 2

In the above example, the values should be interpreted as follows:
Blood Pressure: 87.2121333, 87.1100708
EMG: 1.010376, 1.0100708
GSR:3.010376, 3.0100708
Time: 0,10 (msec)
Importing a text file into AcqKnowledge.
1. Go to File > Open
2. From Files of type select Text file
3. Click on the Options button
The Read line option allows you to import only a section of the file
The Interval option allows you to define the sample rate
The Column delimiter allows you to specify how columns of data are separated
When importing a text file it should have the following format (the delimiter could be a comma, tab or a space):
Every row corresponds to a sample point at a given time and every column contains the data for a different channel. For the above example, if the sample rate was 1 second, the file will be interpreted as follows:
Channel/Time 1sec 2sec 3sec 4sec
Channel 1 1 11 111 1111
Channel 2 2 22 222 2222
Channel 3 3 33 333 3333

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