MER: Micro-electrode Recording

Advanced Tools for Microelectrode Recording & Data Analysis

Record signals from a wide range of micro-electrodes on organisms, organs, tissues, brain slices & cells

Flexible interface with options for driven or grounded shields, negative capacity generation and current clamping

microelectrode recording apps

Record & Analyze Potentials

Now researchers have access to powerful BIOPAC hardware and software combinations that allow them to record signals from a wide range of micro-electrodes on organisms, organs, tissues, brain slices, and cells. Researchers can use up to 16 MCE100C amplifiers simultaneously to record in-vivo or in-vitro signals. The MCE100C has a very flexible interface (with options for a driven or grounded shields, negative capacity generation and current clamping) to customize electrodes for the recording environment. Analyze potentials using a variety of methodologies (e.g., perform time series analysis, FFT analysis, or histogram the data for amplitude or time values). Examine data from channel to channel for timing measurements or morphological comparisons.

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Hardware Packages   |   MER: Micro-electrode Recording

Hardware Bundles are complete solutions for the specified application. Choose your preferred platform and bundle, then click "Request Pricing" to request an estimate, add/remove items, or complete purchase. If you have questions about specific items, click through to the product web page for details and specifications, or contact your Local Sales contact.




Available BIOPAC Micro-Electrode solutions include:

  • MCE100C: high input impedance, low noise, differential amplifier
  • MCEKITC: interface kit to build your own customized adapter

AcqKnowledge® provides powerful options for analysis, control, display, and stimulation. The software includes a range of tools and automated analysis routines for many laboratory applications. The tools include:

• Stimulation: AcqKnowledge® includes stimulation control software that interfaces with BIOPAC's range of constant current and constant voltage stimulators. The software can delivery square, ramp, sine and arbitrary waveforms  for a wide range of stimulus paradigms.

• Spike Analysis: The Neurophysiology analysis suite includes a number of tools for the identification of spikes within extracellular data. The software will identify the spike using a fixed threshold crossing method using a user defined multiple of the standard deviation to the mean signal. The data is scored by placing event marks that identify the onset and offset of the spike. The software provides options for histogramming the data based on spike amplitude or dwell time. A spike train generation utility identifies when action potentials are firing. The spike events are also used to synchronize averaging of the average action potential. A spike classification feature uses a K-means clustering algorithm to group the spikes into unique classes for sorting. There is also a tool for identifying overlapping spike episodes.

Ion-Selective Micro-Electrode Interface: Use ion-specific electrodes to monitor the change in a preparation's ion concentration. To determine ionic activity, use the Equation Generator in AcqKnowledge to implement the Nernst equation.


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