Respiration | Pulmonary Function

Modular construction...extreme flexibility

MP systems offer features to support nearly every physiological recording scenario. The following advanced features apply to the application you selected.

If you don't see an Advanced Feature that interests you, please contact BIOPAC so we can identify the best solution for your particular need.

Anaerobic Threshold (AT)

The relationship between ventilation and oxygen uptake becomes non-linear above the anaerobic threshold. This threshold can be determined by establishing a ratio of inspired volume and VO2 consumption. Anaerobic threshold also known as lactate threshold (LT) or lactate inflection point (LIP) is the point when lactic acid starts to amass in the blood stream. Use […]

Automatic Data Reduction Using Epoch Analysis

Use the powerful Epoch Analysis data reduction function to reduce large (24-hour) data files to manageable sizes. Analyze both primary signals (such as arterial blood pressure) and derived data (such as Systolic BP). Extract basic measurements from fixed width segments of data. Set “epoch” width to any time interval and key off of scored event […]

Compliance and Resistance Analysis

The AcqKnowledge® Compliance and Resistance analysis is part of a suite of three automated respiration routines. The other two are Pulmonary Air Flow Analysis and Full Body Plethysmograph Penh. Each routine provides breath-by-breath analysis, event marking and exporting of the values to excel. Compliance and Resistance This analysis requires an air flow signal and a […]

End-Tidal CO2 (ETCO2)

To measure end-tidal CO2 on a breath-by-breath basis, use the AFT20 gas sampling interface kit to connect the CO2100C module directly to the sampling port on the AFT25 facemask. Use AcqKnowledge’s rate detector to find the peak of the cyclic CO2 concentration signal. The running peak value represents the breath-by-breath end-tidal CO2.

Forced Expiratory Flow and Volume

Measure the average flow over specified portions of the spirometry curve. The spirometry maneuver requires the subject to inhale to total lung capacity and then exhale forcefully to residual volume. Integrate forced expiratory flow (FEF) to obtain forced expiratory volume (FEV). AcqKnowledge generates the spirometry curve via an X/Y plot of expired volume versus expired […]

Full Body Plethysmograph Penh

The AcqKnowledge® Full Body Plethysmograph – Penh analysis is part of a suite of three automated respiration routines. The other two are Compliance and Resistance and Pulmonary Air Flow. Each routine provides breath-by-breath analysis, event marking and exporting of the values to excel.

Lung Volume Measurement

To record inspired and expired airflow, choose an airflow transducer appropriate to the flow rates expected from the subject and connect the transducer to the DA100C amplifier. BIOPAC offers a wide variety of air flow transducers to cover applications ranging from high-flow exercise physiology measurements to low-flow animal studies. Integrate the airflow associated with a […]

Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2 max)

Maximal oxygen consumption measurements nominally incorporate the use of a mixing chamber (AFT15A/B), facemask with non-rebreathing T valve (AFT25) and an air flow transducer (TSD107B). Typically, air flow measurements are performed on the inspiration side of the AFT25. The expiration side is directed to the AFT15, where O2 and CO2 concentrations are monitored using the […]

Pulmonary Air Flow Analysis

The Pulmonary Air Flow analysis is part of a suite of three automated respiration routines that are included in AcqKnowledge®. The other two are Compliance and Resistance and Full Body Plethysmograph – Penh. Each routine provides breath-by-breath analysis, event marking and exporting of the values to excel.

Respiratory Exchange Ratio

The Respiratory Exchange Ratio (RER) is determined by dividing VCO2 produced by VO2 consumed. The measurement is very similar to the setup required for VO2 consumption, except that the produced CO2 flow is integrated simultaneously with the consumed O2 flow. The RER can be presented in real time, with values representing the running average of […]


New Citations | BIOPAC in Athletic Performance Research

With the anticipation of the 2024 Olympics, there has been lots of recent research on athletic...

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