Consumer Neuroscience – fNIR Optical Brain Imaging

fnir oprical brain imaging for in-lab cognitive assessment

fNIR functional near infrared optical imaging systems measure oxygen level changes in the prefrontal cortex of human subjects. Each fNIR system provides real-time monitoring of tissue oxygenation in the brain as subjects take tests, perform tasks, or receive stimulation and allows researchers to quantitatively assess brain functions—such as attention, memory, planning, and problem solving—while individuals perform cognitive tasks. The fNIR device provides relative change in hemoglobin levels, calculated using a modified Beer-Lambert law.

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The powerful fNIR spectroscopy imaging tool measures NIR light absorbance in blood of hemoglobin with and without oxygen and provides information about ongoing brain activity similar to functional MRI studies. It eliminates many of the drawbacks of fMRI and provides a safe, affordable, noninvasive solution for cognitive function assessment. The technology empowers researchers by providing greater flexibility for study design, including working within complex lab environments and operating in non-traditional lab locations for field studies.

To learn more about fNIR technology and applications

  • fNIR articles (PDF) and Citations.


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