Stimulus Presentation Event Marking

AcqKnowledge digital stim to events feature

AcqKnowledge® includes a fully automated event driven data reduction program for Event-Related Potentials (ERP) and other stimulus-response (S-R) applications. The feature comprises two tools: Digital input to stim events and  Stim-Response analysis.

Digital input to stim events converts TTL data acquired on the digital channels of an MP device into stimulus events; it works with TTL trigger information from applications such as E-Prime®, SuperLab®, DirectRT®, MediaLab®, Inquisit®, Vizard®, and Presentation®. Stimulus delivery events are defined in the graph for each low to high transition of the digital data, the indications of stimulus delivery. The digital channels are interpreted as a binary number. Each stimulus event is placed in the global event bar above the channels of data and has the corresponding stimulus type number included with its label. This allows further analysis to distinguish between different types of stimulus events by using the cycle detector’s label matching capability. The Digital inputs to stim events routine is useful when you have many different types of stimulus event groups, but a limited number of digital lines. By sending combinations of TTL pulses to the digital I/O lines of the MP device, the program identifies and classifies them.

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Stimulus, Response, Analysis, Event Marking

Stim-Response Analysis identifies the stimulus events as they randomly appear in the data and automatically measures, or averages the response to the stimulus. The software allows the user to pick a time window around the stimulus event for measuring the data, select the measurements to take, and paste the measurement results to a Journal file or automatically export to Excel.



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