Consumer Neuroscience – Skin Conductance Response (EDA)

Measure the skin conductance level (SCL) and skin conductance response (SCR) as they vary with sweat gland (eccrine) activity due to stress, arousal or emotional excitement. Record wirelessly with BioNomadix or use wired EDA100C amplifiers in the lab or EDA100C-MRI in the MRI. AcqKnowledge software includes a fully-automated electrodermal response scoring tool that locates skin conductance responses, visually identifies them on the waveform and extracts key measures. Automatic event related EDA analysis can also be performed by locating the onset of the discrete stimuli and identifying a valid related SCR within a user specified time range. AcqKnowledge software can interface with multiple stimulus presentation programs including Superlab®, E-Prime®, DirectRT®, MediaLab®, Inquisit®, Vizard®, and Presentation®. Use the new Focus Areas analysis tool for targeted EDA Analysis. Focus Areas allow the user to specify and mark areas of interest in the data and run automated analysis routines or the cycle detector specifically on the Focus Areas instead of the entire data file.

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This is one of many ADVANCED FEATURES for the selected Application. Scroll down for hardware options.
  • Electrodermal Response Signal Processing: For basic EDA processing, take advantage of numerous filters and tools in AcqKnowledge, including Derive phasic EDA from tonic EDA. This transformation uses baseline smoothing or high pass filtering to construct a new Phasic EDA channel in the graph. This routine is. automatically included in both the locate
  • Spontaneous EDA Analysis: For studies requiring the examination of spontaneously occurring skin conductance responses, such as social paradigms, cognitive tasks, and arousal studies, use the Locate SCR routine in AcqKnowledge to locate and score spontaneously occurring responses.
  • Locate Skin Conductance Responses: The Locate SCRs routine will identify skin conductance responses and score the waveform. All SCR events are marked on the tonic waveform. In the SCR location mode the software marks the event onset, SCR point of max response, and waveform end. Responses can also be manually adjusted using the event marking tools.
  • Event Related EDA Analysis: For determination and correlation of EDA responses tied to a particular controlled discrete stimulus (visual cue, tone, image, mechanical stimulation, light flash, etc.) AcqKnowledge offers a fully-automated event-related EDA analysis routine.


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