Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia (RSA) Analysis

AcqKnowledge® includes a fully automated Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia (RSA) analysis routine that measures the maximum and minimum changes in heart rate during respiration and reports the difference between the two values.

The RSA routine requires two signals to perform the analysis: ECG Lead II and respiration. The software locates and marks the components of the ECG Lead II signal and scores the respiration signal for inspired and expired components of the waveform. It also creates a new heart period channel, which is a tachogram of the R-R interval.

The software automatically measures the minimum and maximum R-R intervals during each respiration cycle. Breath-to-breath values are reported for the Cycle number, Time of the cycle, Minimum R-R interval, Maximum R-R interval and the Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia value (difference between the minimum and maximum R-R intervals) with option to show logarithmic scaling of the result all exported to a journal file or Excel.

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RSA Results

See also: Heart Rate Variability Analysis for a full range of AcqKnowledge’s HRV analysis options


ECG Webinar | HRV & RSA – Fundamental Analysis Techniques

RSA Analysis

HRV Analysis: Fully-automated Routine in AcqKnowledge

BIOPAC Research Solutions | ECG


ECG Webinar | HRV & RSA – Fundamental Analysis Techniques

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