Online ECG Analysis – Heart Rate and Inter-Beat-Interval

ECG online analysis

The AcqKnowledge Rate detector has automated tools for deriving heart rate (HR) and inter-beat-interval (IBI) on a cycle-by-cycle basis. The Rate detector operates in both real-time and off-line modes.  The algorithm contains a list of preset options for subject settings – resting human, exercising human, small animal, etc. The presets inlcude algorithm settings to optimize the detection of the ECG cycle and avoid triggering on artifact and reporting false numbers. It is possible to create new presets based on the unique characteristics of the data. The Rate detector also contains options for outputting the average heart rate or R-R interval over a user defined time period. For example, the software will output the average heart rate over a 20 second period and also output the result as a new channel of data. The software will also display the actual HR or IBI value on the waveform. HR rate is reported as beats per minute (BPM) and IBI is reported as a time interval – milliseconds or seconds.

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The Rate detector will operate on the raw ECG waveform or any filtered or transformed data. This helps to ensure accurate detection of the waveform and provides reliable measurements.

AcqKnowledge also includes automated analysis tools for LEAD II ECG complex analysis, ECG classification and heart rate variability (HRV).


BIOPAC Research Solutions | ECG


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