Cycle Detector (Find Peak)

Find Peak

Cycle  Detector (Find Peak) combines AcqKnowledge’s Measurements, Events, Focus Areas, and Data visualization tools to provide a powerful data analysis system for data reduction, scoring, visualization, and reporting. Identifying, scoring and measuring unique inflection points in complex waveforms becomes possible, extremely quick and reproducible across many files. Rapidly viewing selected areas of data using the 3D Surface tool transforms the view and highlights subtle changes in the data. Quickly exporting thousands of unique measurements to a journal file, spreadsheet or plotting them in AcqKnowledge is done in a matter of seconds.

No other system offers this degree of power and flexibility for precise identification, selection, measurement, and display of the final results. The system works on any signal type.

The feature is controlled by a single dialog box that provides visual feedback regarding the data that is being identified and selected. Access via Analysis menu > Find Cycle (Ctrl+F). No programming required!

The Find Cycle Peak Detector will operate over a user selected segment of data, across many Focus Areas in the data, and provides separate results for each area, across the entire file, or from the placement of a cursor in the data.

The power of the find cycle peak detector can be further enhanced with the addition of Biopac Basic Scripting to generate fully-automated analysis routines similar to the routines that are part of the Analysis menu.

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This is one of many ADVANCED FEATURES for the selected Application. Scroll down for hardware options.

Identification–The Cycle Detector identifies data based on a number of criteria:

Threshold–Positive or negative, and with a number of powerful tracking options that can even follow a moving baseline.

Events–These are event marks that are located in the data. Events can be entered during or after data collection to mark particular periods of interest. The Events can also be added by AcqKnowledge’s automated analysis routines such as the Lead II ECG analysis.

Time Intervals–The system can also identify data at user defined time intervals.

Selection–Once the data is identified, the system can also select an area of data around the selected data, for example, the peak of a signal ±2 seconds. In this example, the system will identify every peak that matches the search criteria and then select an area 2 seconds before the peak and 2 seconds after the peak. The selected area is both positive and negative and can be moved around the original selection to locate the area of interest or to avoid a portion of artifact.

Output–The Output options are incredible: pasting measurements into a Journal or Spreadsheet, plotting the measurements in AcqKnowledge, scoring the data with Events for further analysis, Averaging the data, providing 3D surface plots of Cycle data, FFT, Histogram, and Discrete Wavelet Transformations. A Clustering option sorts the data into unique clusters and is a great way to identify outliers.


AcqKnowledge Find Cycle Peak Detector - Part 1

AcqKnowledge Find Cycle Peak Detector - Part 2

AcqKnowledge Find Cycle Peak Detector - Part 3

AcqKnowledge Find Cycle Peak Detector - Part 4

AcqKnowledge Find Cycle Peak Detector - Part 5

AcqKnowledge Find Cycle Peak Detector - Part 6

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