Interface With Imaging Equipment

The MP System can be synchronized with imaging systems (MRI, video capture, etc.). An imaging system can be used to trigger the recording or, alternatively, the MP System can be used to trigger the imager.

With CAM-HFR-A and AcqKnowledge media tools, it’s possible to obtain synchronization within 1 video frame (10 ms) between physiological data and video data, running at a rate of 100 frames per second, up to the computer’s memory capacity. This very high performance video recording option incorporates automatic synchronizing between the video data and the physiological data, so no external synchronization marker is required. Furthermore, the high speed camera in CAM-HFR-A can be controlled from AcqKnowledge for exposure times as short as 1 ms, running at 100 frames per second. This combination of high frame rate, automatic synchronization, and precise control over camera exposure times results in the ability to precisely characterize physical activity in relation to simultaneously recorded physiological data, such as EMG, Acceleration, Goniometry, Respiration, and more.

See also: BIOPAC MRI Guidelines

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The DTU200 and 300 are dual channel gating systems for small animal and human MRI applications. They send cardiac trigger pulses to the MRI when a respiration signal is in the quiet phase. Pre-processing filters and gain controls further refine the quality of the signal and ensure reliable triggering.

  • Scan from 1-8 ECG pulses after fall of RSP where first acceptable ECG is >100 msec after RSP enters quiet phase 
  • Blanking – adjust from 50-300 msec (this will shut off ECG from reaching trigger)
  • Delay – adjust from 1-50 msec.
  • Trigger pulse – fixed at 500 µsec
AcqKnowledge MRI gating data ECG and respiration

MRI gating data ECG and respiration

A single channel Digital Trigger Unit (DTU100) is also available to trigger an MRI system with the occurrence of the R-wave present in human or animal (high frequency) ECG or respiratory data for gating purposes. This external hardware module can accept data from any analog output associated with an MP system and convert that analog signal into a TTL compatible trigger suitable for synchronizing with external devices.


BIOPAC Research Solutions | EMG


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