Pulmonary Air Flow Analysis

Pulmonary data

The Pulmonary Air Flow analysis is part of a suite of three automated respiration routines that are included in AcqKnowledge®. The other two are Compliance and Resistance and Full Body Plethysmograph – Penh. Each routine provides breath-by-breath analysis, event marking and exporting of the values to excel.

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Pulmonary Airflow

The pulmonary airflow analysis uses a calibrated airflow signal from a pneumotach transducer. The analysis will work with animal or human data. The routine will operate from an existing volume signal or will create a volume signal from the flow data. The system requires a user threshold so that it can identify each respiratory cycle. The software will provide the following measures. Extract basic parameters from a calibrated airflow signal, such as would be recorded using BIOPAC’s pneumotach or airflow transducers. Measures include inspire start, expire start, tidal volume and apnea threshold.


Name Abbrev. Description Units
Cycle Index of the exhalation cycle in the data, beginning at 1.
Time Starting time of the exhale for the cycle. This is the location of the Exhale Start event. Seconds
Peak inspiratory flow PIF Maximum absolute airflow occurring in the inspiration cycle immediately preceding the exhalation cycle. This measure is recorded as an interval, so its value is always positive. Airflow channel units
Peak expiratory flow PEF Maximum airflow during the exhalation cycle being examined. Airflow channel units
Tidal volume TV Total volume of air inhaled during the breath. liters
Minute volume MV Volume of air that would be inspired during a minute given the tidal volume and breathing rate of this breath. liters / minute
Breaths per minute BPM Breathing rate for the breath. BPM
Inspiration time IT Time interval between the start of inhale and the start of exhale in the breath. seconds
Exhalation time ET Time interval between the start of exhale and either:
start of apnea (if apnea present)
start of subsequent breath (if no apnea present)
Total breath time TT Time interval between the start of inhale and the start of inhale of the following breath. This is the sum of the inhalation time, exhalation time, and apnea time. seconds
Apnea time AT Time after end of exhalation where the airflow signal remained within the apnea threshold defined at the start of the analysis. seconds



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