Electrodermal Activity (EDA) Scoring

Record and analyze EDA/GSR data wirelessly with BioNomadix or with standard wired amplifiers. AcqKnowledge includes a fully automated scoring system for electrodermal activity (EDA) data. The feature includes options for deriving phasic EDA from tonic EDA, locating skin conductance responses (SCR), and event-related EDA analysis. In the SCR location mode the software will mark the event onset, SCR point of max response, and waveform end. The waveform onset and waveform end markers identify when the threshold was crossed. The user can also manually adjust any scored response through the event marking scheme. Export the complete analysis results into a Journal file or Excel spreadsheet.

Preferences for the software allow the user to select:

  • Phasic derivation method
    • Highpass filtering
    • Smoothing baseline removal
  • SCR threshold level
  • Reject SCRs under this percent of max
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Learn more about EDA

The event-related EDA analysis works in conjunction with the Digital input to stim events feature. The Digital input to stim events function works with TTL trigger information coming from applications such as Superlab®, E-Prime®, DirectRT®, MediaLab®, Inquisit®, and Presentation®. It converts TTL data acquired on the digital channels of an MP device into stimulus events. Stimulus delivery events are defined in the graph for each low to high transition of the digital data, the indications of stimulus delivery. The digital channels are interpreted as a binary number. Each stimulus event placed into the graph has the corresponding number included with its label.The event-related EDA tool locates the stimulus events and looks for a SCR that falls within a time window, after the stimulus was presented to the subject.

The following measures are extracted from the data.

Name Abbrev. Description Units
Stimulus Delivery Time Stim Time The time within the recording where the stimulus delivery event was located. seconds
Skin Conductance Level SCL Amplitude of the tonic EDA signal at the time when the stimulus was delivered. umho
Response latency Latency Time separating the stimulus delivery from the onset time of the corresponding SCR. This latency will always be less than the maximum allowable latency specified as a parameter for the analysis. seconds
SCR Amplitude SCR Amplitude Height of the corresponding SCR as determined by the change in the tonic EDA from the time of SCR onset to the maximum tonic EDA amplitude achieved during the SCA: |EDA(tmax)-EDA(tonset)|
SCR rise time SCR Rise Time Time taken for the tonic EDA to reach its maximum value within the SCR: tmax-tonset seconds


EDA - SCR Event Related Analysis


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