Pulse Transit Time (PTT), Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV) and Pulse Wave Amplitude (PWA)

AcqKnowledge PPG and ECG data for PTT

Pulse Transit Time (PTT) is the time it takes the Pulse Pressure (PP) waveform to propagate through a length of the arterial tree. The pulse pressure waveform results from the ejection of blood from the left ventricle and moves with a velocity much greater than the forward movement of the blood itself. To measure pulse transit time, record the onset of the R-wave with an ECG100C amplifier and record the pulse waveform at the fingertip using a TSD200 and the PPG100C amplifier or wirelessly with BioNomadix. Use AcqKnowledge to determine the cyclic peak time of both waveforms, then subtract the ECG R-wave peak time from the PPG peak time.

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To calculate Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV) , first measure the distance from the heart to the location of the TSD200 sensor, then divide the distance by the PTT. PWV is related to blood pressure delta (Systsolic – Diastolic) in accordance with the following equation (from Bramwell & Hill, 1922):

PWV = K Sqrt [V (Pd/Vd)]

PWV = Pulse Wave Velocity
K = Constant
V = Initial Vessel Volume
Pd = Pressure Delta
Vd = Vessel Volume Delta

AcqKnowledge software can also measure the Pulse Wave Amplitude (PWA) or Pulse Pressure (PP) on a cycle-by-cycle basis by using the Rate function. The Rate function will identify each pulse waveform and measure the amplitude of the signal and report the result as a new channel. The Rate function is available for on-line and off-line analysis of the pulse waveform.

Record pulse data wirelessly with BioNomadix or with standard wired amplifiers and use calculation channels and the find cycle/peak automated analysis routine in AcqKnowledge to easily calculate and extract pulse transit time and pulse wave velocity values. Results can be displayed as graph channels and the PTT and PWV values can be exported to a spreadsheet for further statistical analysis.


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