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Copy and paste append markers along with data [Knowledge Base]

The following procedure will allow you to paste Append markers with the data. Use the Analysis->Find Cycle function to place markers in the data at the time when the append markers…

DA100C amplifier signal validation [Knowledge Base]

It is possible to validate the signals coming from any DA100A/B/ or C amplifier by using a CBLCAL* Calibration Cable. The cable connects to the front of the amplifier and…

Data export to spreadsheet [Knowledge Base]

It is extremely rare for there to be a good reason to export all data to a spreadsheet because spreadsheet programs are not designed for the analysis of the types…

DC mode [Knowledge Base]

In DC mode, the absolute level of the signal is recorded; no high pass (HP) filters are applied.   DC mode is useful for recording signals such as temperature, force,…

Deep breath and PPG signal flattening [Knowledge Base]

Taking a deep breath and then holding it increases intrathoracic pressure (pressure inside the chest cavity), which compresses veins returning blood to the heart causing a temporary decrease in venous return…

Deep breath and SCR/EDA increase [Knowledge Base]

Taking a very deep breath and then exhaling, reflexly elicits a general phasic sympathetic discharge, causing a small increase in sweating, which increases electrical conductivity of the skin, thus resulting…

Differences between the NICO100C and EBI100C [Knowledge Base]

BIOPAC offers a noninvasive cardiac output amplifier (NICO100C) and an electrical bioimpedance amplifier (EBI100C). NICO10C is more appropriate if you are primarily interested in recording cardiac output. EBI100C is more suitable…

Disc I/O error 5000 [Knowledge Base]

Disc I/O error 5000 indicates a file system permissions error.  Make sure the user account has sufficient permissions.

Discontinued Items [Knowledge Base]

Discontinued items—Click the item for Specs & Setup Contact BIOPAC to discuss other options. AC100A power supply – use AC300A Accelerometers 5 G: SS26LA now SS26LB, TSD109C now TSD109C2, SS26B…

Duplicating waveforms [Knowledge Base]

To duplicate a waveform, select the waveform (channel) and click “Edit > Duplicate Waveform”.   For Windows versions of AcqKnowledge older than version 4.0: When selecting the waveform, BIOPAC recommends choosing…

ECG Analysis [Knowledge Base]

AcqKnowledge software provides a fully automated ECG analysis system. The software automatically identifies and marks the points of the ECG complex. It also calculates the amplitudes and timing intervals and…

ECG artifact in EMG Signal [Knowledge Base]

The best solution is to avoid the ECG artifact in the first place.  The problem is typically solved by adjusting the placement of the electrodes. Place the EMG electrodes so…

ECG R-wave detector [Knowledge Base]

The ECG100C amplifier has a built-in R-wave detector mode. In this mode, the amplifier outputs a peak at every R-wave, which significantly improves the quality of the signal and helps…

EDA (GSR) subject preparation [Knowledge Base]

BIOPAC offers a variety of setups for recording electrodermal activity, including Reusable: skin conductance transducer (MP150+TSD203 or MP36+SS3LA) and electrodermal gel (GEL101). Disposable: MP150+EDA100C amp with 2 x LEAD110A or MP36+SS57LA EDA…

EDA / SCR offset calibration for MRI [Knowledge Base]

In some MRI installations, there may be an offset in EDA measurements. The following steps can be performed in order to calibrate skin conductance measurements: Install all cabling and place…

Editing noisy data [Knowledge Base]

The easiest way to remove a portion of your record is to highlight the undesired segment and select Edit > Clear. The section of the data on the selected channel…

EEG frequency bands [Knowledge Base]

AcqKnowledge includes digital filters that allow you to filter a raw EEG into the following frequency bands: Delta 0.5-4Hz Theta 4-8Hz Alpha 8-13Hz Beta 13-30Hz Gamma 36-90Hz (in some older…

Electrical stimulation and artifact [Knowledge Base]

Here are some suggestions for overcoming the problem of stimulation artifact when applying a stimulation voltage to a muscle.   Have the ground between the stimulating electrodes and the recording…

Electrode Check on older MP36 and MP35 [Knowledge Base]

The “Electrode Check” port on the front panel of MP36 and MP35 units is dseigned to measure impedance. As a rule of thumb, impedance levels below 10 kOhms are ideal,…

Electrode Properties – gel and adhesive [Knowledge Base]

SALT CONTENT Disposable Electrode Chloride % EL500 10% EL501 10% EL502 4% (solid gel) EL503 7% EL504 4% (solid gel) EL507 0.5% EL508 10% EL509 n/a: dry electrode—use your own…

Electrode tape for cardiac output measurements [Knowledge Base]

Cardiographic Electrode Tape is commonly used to perform noninvasive cardiac output measurements using bioimpedance. BIOPAC clip leads will connect cardiographic electrode tape (such as tape manufactured by IFM) to NICO…

Electrodermal activity measurements [Knowledge Base]

Definitions:   EDA = electrodermal activity SRR = skin resistance response SRL = skin resistance level SCR = skin conductance response SCL = skin conductance level SPR = skin potential…

EMG – underwater measures [Knowledge Base]

Comparison and reproducibility of sEMG during manual muscle testing on land and in water Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 21 (2011) 95–101 W. Matthew Silversa,*, Dennis G. Dolnyba Exercise Science,…

Enabling the Transform Menu in BSL Analysis (RSD) [Knowledge Base]

Unlike the full version of Biopac Student Lab software, the BSL Analysis version used by many students outside the lab does not directly support the opening of Lesson and sample…

EOG vs. EMG amplifier [Knowledge Base]

The EOG100C amplifier can record from DC to 100 Hz and is designed to measure a signal correlated with the corneal-retinal potential (the small electrical potential difference between the cornea and…

Event Markers | Correcting Automated Placement [Knowledge Base]

Why aren’t event marks always placed correctly by automated analysis routines? Outliers in graph data—such as noise or other signal artifact—may result in the unwanted or inaccurate placement of event marks…

Exchanging files [Knowledge Base]

The software is backwards compatible, so newer software should not have trouble opening files created by older software. However, as the software is developed, new features are added. Older versions…

Exporting Data to SPSS [Knowledge Base]

SPSS supports file formats that are also available in AcqKnowledge –  Excel and text file.  For unusual circumstances when all of the data are to be imported to SPSS, “File…

Exporting Event Labels into MATLAB [Knowledge Base]

When exporting AcqKnowledge files to MATLAB® via “File > Save As…”, event marks are not exported with the data. To get event mark information into a MATLAB file, there are…

External Devices and Channel Contention [Knowledge Base]

Channel contention must be considered when connecting the analog output sourcing from external devices to an MP1X0 Data Acquisition System. Considerations for MP160 or MP150 users follow; MP100 users should refer…

Extracting data segments from a file [Knowledge Base]

To create a new file that contains only some of the channels in the original file, there are two possible approaches, 1) remove the unwanted channels, and 2) transfer only…

Extracting heart rate from a noisy ECG signal [Knowledge Base]

In general it is much better to collect high quality data than to spend time and effort formulating methods to extract information from data riddled with artifacts. For advice on…

FIR Filter – AcqKnowledge 3.9.2 (Mac) [Knowledge Base]

In AcqKnowledge for Mac OS, the FIR Filter (Low Pass) transformation  is performed with Bartlett windowing regardless of the selection, which reduces the signal amplitude. Work-around: Use the IIR filter…

Flash player installation [Knowledge Base]

Normally when you install the Adobe Flash player, you do so with a web browser. The Adobe website extracts information about your browser when you are performing this installation. Under…

fNIR FAQ [Knowledge Base]

Q: What’s being measured? Q: Areas potentially available for study? Q: Response times? Q: BNC Trigger delay? Q: Placement guidelines for sensor? Q: Strengths and limitations of fNIRS? Q: Identify…

Galvanic Isolation Guidelines for MP Research Systems [Knowledge Base]

MP160 and MP150 data acquisition systems incorporate staggered sections of isolation: Primary (mains power) isolation is provided by an external IEC60601-1 specified power supply (AC150A); Secondary isolation is provided by…

Gel for EDA (GSR)/SCR [Knowledge Base]

Only GEL101 (a solution designed to mimic the salt concentration of sweat) should be used with reusable skin conductance (electrodermal activity) recording electrodes. GEL101 electrode paste is specially formulated with…

Glossary of specification terminology [Knowledge Base]

Accuracy The degree to which something is true or exact. As an example, consider the characteristics of the TSD202A temperature transducer. With this transducer, there is an intrinsic accuracy of…

GLP Lab Assistant – Good Laboratory Practice [Knowledge Base]

The AcqKnowledge Lab Assistant software promotes lab efficiency and full compliance with the Food and Drug Administrations (FDA) Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) requirements (21 CFR Part 11). The Lab Assistant…

Gould interface [Knowledge Base]

To interface a Gould transducer to BIOPAC hardware, you will need an interface cable from FOGG SYSTEM and a BIOPAC interface. Many BIOPAC interface options are supported. On the FOGG…

Ground vs. reference for EEG recording [Knowledge Base]

The terminology for electrical connections to human subjects is not universally agreed upon. “Ground” and “reference” are often used interchangeably. This is not a good practice as there are different…

Grounding guidelines [Knowledge Base]

When a single subject is connected via wires to a single MP system, there should generally be one and only one ground connection to that subject*. When multiple subject grounds are…

Guidelines – EDA, EDR, GSR, SCL, and SCR [Knowledge Base]

BIOPAC recommends the following paper as an excellent reference for guidelines for GSR, EDA, EDR, SCL, and SCR: Psychophysiology, 49 (2012), 1017–1034. Committee report. Publication recommendations for electrodermal measurements. SOCIETY…

Guidelines for Psychophysiological Recordings [Knowledge Base]

The Society for Psychophysiological Research makes Guidelines articles and SPR Presidential Addresses from Psychophysiology available (in Adobe PDF format) as a courtesy. SPR Guidelines papers include: Publication guidelines for heart rate studies…

Height/Weight entries for CO using Kubicek/Rho method [Knowledge Base]

To extract Cardiac Output values from impedance cardiography data if subject height/weight was not recorded, set the stroke volume method to Kubicek. Subject height and weight are not needed for the Kubicek/Rho method, but…

High pass filters [Knowledge Base]

High pass filters attenuate the components of a signal below a certain frequency range. They help to remove lower frequency variation — possibly due to signals that are uninteresting in…