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A01 Frog Prep [Curriculum]

This lesson includes detailed instructions for the frog preparation procedures necessary for BSL PRO lessons A02, A03, and A04.

A02 Frog Gastrocnemius [Curriculum]

This BSL PRO Lesson explains how to isolate the gastrocnemius muscle of the frog and its somatic motor nerve (the sciatic nerve) and describes the hardware and software setup necessary to…

A03 Frog Sciatic Nerve [Curriculum]

This BSL PRO lesson describes the hardware and software setup necessary to record Compound Action Potentials (CAP) from a dissected frog sciatic nerve. For a specific procedure on isolating and removing…

A04 Frog Heart – Cardiac Rate & Contractility [Curriculum]

This BSL PRO Lesson explains how to prepare the frog heart and describes the hardware and software setup necessary to record cardiac rate and contractile responses of the frog heart.

A05 Visceral Smooth Muscle [Curriculum]

In the following experiments, you will study some of the physiological and pharmacological properties of visceral smooth muscle taken from the rabbit ileum. (The ileum is the last part of…

A06 Cockroach Ventral Nerve AP [Curriculum]

This PRO lesson illustrates action potentials as they function through the conduction of cockroach ventral nerve cords. By administering soft puffs of air to the “anal cerci” one can provoke…

A07 Fish Respiration & Q10 [Curriculum]

In this lesson, the Q10 principle is demonstrated by measuring the metabolic rate of goldfish at two different temperatures: 22° C (acclimation temperature) and 32° C (acute exposure temperature). The…

A08 Earthworm Action Potential [Curriculum]

This PRO lesson describes the hardware and software setup necessary to record action potentials from a dissected earthworm.

A11 Resting Potential – Crayfish Muscle [Curriculum]

Follow BSL setup and use “Lab 4: Crayfish Muscle Resting Potential” from the Crawdad Lab Manual for Neurophysiology to record and alter resting potential by changing external ion concentration. Crawdad…

A14 CPG Hornworm [Curriculum]

This PRO lesson describes the hardware and software setup necessary to record the electrical activity from the muscle of the hornworm pupae.

A15 Earthworm Smooth Muscle [Curriculum]

This BSL PRO lesson describes the hardware and software setup necessary to record smooth muscle from earthworm gut, in vitro.

A17 Frog Heart Intracellular Action Potentials [Curriculum]

This BSL PRO lesson examines and records action potential from cardiac tissue in an amphibian. The lesson procedure and template were developed for BSL 4.0.1 or above.

BSL Home Lessons [Curriculum]

BSL Home Lessons for Single-channel Data Recorder BSL Home guides students to record great life science data from their own bodies— heart signals (ECG), brain waves (EEG), muscle activity (EMG), eye…

F01-04 Lessons for the fNIRS Education System [Curriculum]

BSL Lessons for Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy guide students through muscle and brain oxygenation labs with easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions. Seeing is believing—students form stronger conceptual links with readings and lecture material…

H01 12-Lead ECG [Curriculum]

This BSL PRO lesson describes the hardware and software setup necessary to record a 12-lead ECG.

H02 Compartmental Modeling [Curriculum]

This BSL PRO Lesson examines the principle of compartmental modeling, which is based on the fact that electrical circuits can describe and simulate neural, biochemical, and biomechanical systems. Gerald Westheimer published…

H03 Nerve Conduction – MP30 [Curriculum]

This PRO lesson describes hardware and software setup of the BSL PRO System to record and measure nerve conduction velocity along the ulnar nerve of a human subject.

H03 Nerve Conduction – MP36/35 [Curriculum]

This BSL PRO lesson describes hardware and software setup of the BSL PRO System to record and measure nerve conduction velocity along the ulnar nerve of a human subject. Stimulation can…

H04 Blood Pressure [Curriculum]

This PRO lesson describes hardware and software setup of the BSL PRO System to record (noninvasive) blood pressure response to isometric or straining exercise.

H05 WAnT Wingate Test [Curriculum]

This PRO lesson describes hardware and software setup of the BSL PRO System to record the Wingate Anaerobic Test, explains the Transform menu commands to use for meaningful analysis, and…

H06 Finger Twitch (SS12LA) [Curriculum]

This BSL PRO Lesson describes hardware and software setup of the BSL PRO System to record and measure the finger twitch from a human subject using a variable force transducer…

H06 Finger Twitch (SS61L) [Curriculum]

This BSL PRO Lesson describes hardware and software setup of the BSL PRO System to record and measure the finger twitch from a human subject using a finger twitch transducer…

H07 EMG [Curriculum]

This PRO Lesson explains how to prepare an active learning lesson on human skeletal EMG.

H08 Dive Reflex [Curriculum]

Follow the procedure on this site to record and measure change in heart rate (ECG) from a human after immersing in cold water.  Next, design an experiement to identify the…

H09 Auditory Evoked Potential [Curriculum]

This PRO lesson describes hardware and software setup of the BSL PRO System to record and measure auditory evoked potentials.

H10 Hemispheric EEG [Curriculum]

Derived from original work created by Pr Jean-Frans Lambert and Nicole Chantrier, Institut d’Enseignement istance / Universitaris 8- Saint-Denis France

H11 Mirror Test EDA [Curriculum]

Derived from original work created by Pr Jean-Frans Lambert and Nicole Chantrier, Institut d’Enseignement istance / Universitaris 8- Saint-Denis France

H12 Saccades EOG [Curriculum]

Derived from original work created by Pr Jean-Frans Lambert and Nicole Chantrier, Institut d’Enseignement istance / Universitaris 8- Saint-Denis France

H13 Tracking EOG [Curriculum]

Derived from original work created by Pr Jean-Frans Lambert and Nicole Chantrier, Institut d’Enseignement istance / Universitaris 8- Saint-Denis France

H14 Fixation I EOG [Curriculum]

Derived from original work created by Pr Jean-Frans Lambert and Nicole Chantrier, Institut d’Enseignement istance / Universitaris 8- Saint-Denis France

H15 Fixation II EOG [Curriculum]

Derived from original work created by Pr Jean-Frans Lambert and Nicole Chantrier, Institut d’Enseignement istance / Universitaris 8- Saint-Denis France

H16 Reflexes & Reaction Time [Curriculum]

This PRO Lesson describes basic reflex and reaction time (visual stimulus) exercises and details hardware and software setup of the BSL Lessons System to record reaction time to auditory stimulus.…

H18 Automatic Noninvasive BP [Curriculum]

In this lesson, you will record blood pressure, and the BSL PRO software will calculate Systolic BP, Diastolic BP and Mean BP.

H19 VO2 & RER [Curriculum]

This BSL PRO lesson records absolute volume of O2 and CO2 in a 60-second interval. The lesson was updated in December 2019 to use GASSYS3 Gas Analysis System. The lesson was…

H20 Filtering [Curriculum]

This PRO Lesson describes how to design and develop software-based digital filters to perform a variety of physiological signal filtering tasks and cascade 2nd-order biquads to create high order filters.…

H21 Impedance Cardiography [Curriculum]

This BSL PRO lesson describes hardware and software setup of the BSL System to record ECG, Impedance (Z0), and Derivative Impedance (dZ/dt), and measure relative differences in Cardiac Output and Stroke…

H22 Visual Evoked Response [Curriculum]

This BSL PRO lesson describes hardware and software setup of the BSL System to record and measure visual evoked potentials.

H23 Signal Averaging ECG [Curriculum]

The Biopac Student Lab system can be used to amplify and enhance the ECG signal using a clinical diagnosis tool referred to as the Signal Averaged ECG. The technique allows…

H24 Habituation [Curriculum]

This experiment will test a subject’s response level while being exposed to a series of pictures with one of the pictures being drastically different and repeated five times over the…

H25 BME Breadboard I [Curriculum]

BSL PRO Signal Processing Labs are a series of lessons that explain how to create and test the types of electronic circuits used in Biomedical Engineering (BME). The Signal Processing Labs use the BIOPAC SS39L…

H26 BME Breadboard II [Curriculum]

BSL PRO Signal Processing Labs are a series of lessons that explain how to create and test the types of electronic circuits used in Biomedical Engineering. Concepts introduced include the basics of amplifiers (with special…

H27 Facial EMG [Curriculum]

This experiment will test a subject’s face muscle activities, especially the muscle corresponding with smiling and frowning, while the subject is exposed to a series of pictures or sounds.

H28 Reflex Response [Curriculum]

This PRO Lesson describes basic reflex exercises and details hardware and software setup of the BSL Lessons System to record the reflex reaction. All data collection and analysis is done…

H29 Basal Metabolic Rate [Curriculum]

Basal metabolic rate (BMR) refers to body metabolism as measured under a set of standard basal conditions designed to minimize the effects of as many influencing factors as possible.

H30 Stroop Effect [Curriculum]

This PRO Lesson explains how to run a classic Stroop test using SuperLab to deliver the stimuli. If the word “red” is printed in blue ink how will the interference…

H31 Prepulse Inhibition [Curriculum]

A startle response is a physiological response to an unexpected intense stimulus, such as a burst of loud noise or the slamming of a door. This stimulus is known as the…

H32 Heart Rate Variability [Curriculum]

This PRO lesson describes basic and advanced heart rate variability measurements and details hardware and software setup of the BSL PRO software to record ECG. All data collection and analysis…

H33 FFT Fast Fourier [Curriculum]

This PRO Lesson details hardware and software setup of the BSL PRO software to examine the Fast Fourier Transform. All data collection and analysis is done via the BIOPAC MP3X…

H34 Electrogastrogram [Curriculum]

This BSL PRO Lesson describes how to record an electrogastrogram (electrical activity from the stomach muscles) from a resting human subject. software: Biopac Student Lab PRO 3.7.7, 3.7.5 or 3.7.3 (template was created…