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EDA FAQ [Page]

EDA Questions and Answers Your colleagues submitted these questions during BIOPAC EDA Webinars.  Topics include EDA Skin Prep/Gel Application EDA Electrode Placement & Grounding EDA Recording Systems EDA Data Measurement & Analysis EDA Artifact…

EDA Smart Amplifier [Product]

Easily record great electrodermal activity (EDA, GSR) data. BIOPAC’s new Smart Amplifiers are designed for great data. Smart Amplifiers improve performance by amplifying the physiological signal close to the subject,…

EDA: Electrodermal Activity [Application]

Automatic EDA and Marking Routines Measure the skin conductance level (SCL) and skin conductance response (SCR) as they vary with sweat gland (eccrine) activity due to stress, arousal or emotional…

Editing noisy data [Knowledge Base]

The easiest way to remove a portion of your record is to highlight the undesired segment and select Edit > Clear. The section of the data on the selected channel…

EEG Electroencephologram Smart Amplifier [Product]

The EEG Smart Amplifier is designed specifically for recording bipolar EEG signals. BIOPAC’s new Smart Amplifiers are designed for great data. Smart Amplifiers improve performance by amplifying the physiological signal close…

EEG: Electroencephalography [Application]

Wired and wireless EEG solutions. Record up to 32 channels of EEG and use software features for filtering, removing EOG artifacts, and complete frequency analysis.

EGG Electrogastrogram Smart Amplifier [Product]

The EGG100D Smart Amplifier is designed specifically for recording electrogastrogram signals. It amplifies the electrical signal resulting from stomach and intestinal smooth muscle activity and monitors the potential on the skin…

EGG: Electrogastrogram [Application]

Measure electrical activity of gastrointestinal system in humans and animals. Examine slow wave propagation and perform automated gastric wave analysis in AcqKnowledge.

Einthoven Triangle and 6-Lead ECG [Advanced Feature]

Use AcqKnowledge’s online calculation channels and powerful Expression Generator to take full advantage of the principle of Einthoven’s triangle to capture Lead II data. Use just two ECG100C amplifiers to…

Electrobioimpedance Smart Amplifier [Product]

The Electrobioimpedance (EBI) Smart Amplifier is specifically designed to measure thoracic impedance for performing various impedance signals and may be used for any body impedance measurement, including respiration and cardiac…

Electrode tape for cardiac output measurements [Knowledge Base]

Cardiographic Electrode Tape is commonly used to perform noninvasive cardiac output measurements using bioimpedance. BIOPAC clip leads will connect cardiographic electrode tape (such as tape manufactured by IFM) to NICO…

Electrodermal Activity (EDA) Scoring [Advanced Feature]

Record and analyze EDA/GSR data wirelessly with BioNomadix or with standard wired amplifiers. AcqKnowledge includes a fully automated scoring system for electrodermal activity (EDA) data. The feature includes options for…

Electrodermal activity measurements [Knowledge Base]

Definitions:   EDA = electrodermal activity SRR = skin resistance response SRL = skin resistance level SCR = skin conductance response SCL = skin conductance level SPR = skin potential…

EMG Electromyogram Smart Amplifier [Product]

The EMG Electromyography Smart Amplifier is designed specifically for recording electrical activity from medium and large general and skeletal muscle groups. BIOPAC’s new Smart Amplifiers are designed for great data.…

EMG Power Spectrum Analysis [Advanced Feature]

A common tool for investigating electromyography (EMG) data is the Power Spectrum Density (PSD). Use AcqKnowledge for EMG Frequency & Power Analysis to compare responses from one part of the…

EMG: Electromyography [Application]

Record surface, needle, and fine wire EMG—or wireless EMG with BioNomadix. Use real-time integration tools for immediate analysis or use automated EMG analysis routines.

EOG Electrooculogram Smart Amplifier [Product]

The EOG Electrooculogram Smart Amplifier is designed specifically to amplify corneal-retinal potential. It monitors the DC potential on the skin surrounding the eyes, which is proportional to the degree of eye…

EOG vs. EMG amplifier [Knowledge Base]

The EOG100C amplifier can record from DC to 100 Hz and is designed to measure a signal correlated with the corneal-retinal potential (the small electrical potential difference between the cornea and…

EOG: Eye Movement [Application]

Record eye position and movement with the EOG100C amplifier. Find frequency, distance, velocity, and point of focus. Isolate behavior associated with nystagmus and saccades.

ERS Smart Amplifier [Product]

The ERS Evoked Response Smart Amplifier is an extremely low noise differential amplifier that accurately amplifies very small potentials, such as those associated with stimulus/response, startle response, ABR auditory brainstem…

Evoked Response [Advanced Feature]

Powerful on- and off-line averaging features make it possible to perform a wide variety of evoked response studies. Record and measure evoked potentials, late potentials, startle, nerve conduction and field potentials.…

External Devices and Channel Contention [Knowledge Base]

Channel contention must be considered when connecting the analog output sourcing from external devices to an MP1X0 Data Acquisition System. Considerations for MP160 or MP150 users follow; MP100 users should refer…

Eye Tracking [Application]

Precision eye tracking & synchronized biometrics Neuroscience research teams, scientific researchers, and commercial consumer marketers can now easily record and analyze precise eye tracking data and physiological data with hardware/software packages from…

Eye Tracking | Screen-based [Page]

Screen-based remote eye tracking enables real-time eye tracking as participants observe any digital screen— from 22” to 75” —without glasses or other obtrusive hardware and lets you capture gaze position,…

Eye Travel and Position [Advanced Feature]

Determine a participant’s visual path when first exposed to a sign, advertisement, or new ergonomic layout. The X/Y display mode will track a subjects eye travel and display the exact pattern…

fEMG Facial Electromyogram Smart Amplifier [Product]

The fEMG Electromyography Smart Amplifier is designed specifically for recording facial EMG signals and electrical activity from other small muscle groups. Use with AcqKnowledge™ software to analyze facial expressions and startle paradigms. BIOPAC’s…

Field Potential Measurements [Advanced Feature]

To perform field potential measurements, position electrodes around the isolated tissue or organ and use the MCE100C to record the potential. Each MCE100C can record a single differential potential. Multiple MCE100C…

Filtering [Advanced Feature]

Filtering is a core signal processing function. Filtering is the act of discrimination between one type of data and another. In the case of physiological signal processing, filters are employed…

Galvanic Isolation Guidelines for MP Research Systems [Knowledge Base]

MP160 and MP150 data acquisition systems incorporate staggered sections of isolation: Primary (mains power) isolation is provided by an external IEC60601-1 specified power supply (AC150A); Secondary isolation is provided by…

Gastric Slow Wave Propagation [Advanced Feature]

The gastric slow wave (ECA) originates in the proximal stomach and propagates distally towards the pylorus. For recording, place multiple surface electrodes on the abdomen along the gastric axis and connect…

Ground vs. reference for EEG recording [Knowledge Base]

The terminology for electrical connections to human subjects is not universally agreed upon. “Ground” and “reference” are often used interchangeably. This is not a good practice as there are different…

Grounding guidelines [Knowledge Base]

When a single subject is connected via wires to a single MP system, there should generally be one and only one ground connection to that subject*. When multiple subject grounds are…

H25 BME Breadboard I [Curriculum]

BSL PRO Signal Processing Labs are a series of lessons that explain how to create and test the types of electronic circuits used in Biomedical Engineering (BME). The Signal Processing Labs use the BIOPAC SS39L…

H26 BME Breadboard II [Curriculum]

BSL PRO Signal Processing Labs are a series of lessons that explain how to create and test the types of electronic circuits used in Biomedical Engineering. Concepts introduced include the basics of amplifiers (with special…

H40 EMG-Controlled Robotic Arm Lab 2 [Video]

BSL PRO H40 EMG-Controlled Robotic Arm Lab 2 is the Instrumentation Amplifier lab. In this lab, students build two identical instrumentation amplifiers for both channels of EMG that will ultimately…

H40 EMG-Controlled Robotic Arm Lab 4 [Video]

In Lab 4 of the H40 EMG-Controlled Robotic Arm Lesson Set, students construct two positive gain block amplifiers. The function of the positive gain block is to further amplify the…

High pass filters [Knowledge Base]

High pass filters attenuate the components of a signal below a certain frequency range. They help to remove lower frequency variation — possibly due to signals that are uninteresting in…

How do I calibrate my data hardware? [Knowledge Base]

Transducers developed by BIOPAC are linear over their expected ranges of operation. Therefore, knowing the system’s response to two physical stimuli is all that is required. In many cases the…

How to Record Good Quality ECG for HRV [Video]

This video shows how to set up and record good quality ECG data for Heart Rate Variability (HRV); Lead II placement is used. Checking electrode impedance is strongly recommended and…

I/O Interface for TTL Inputs [Product]

Access 8 digital TTL Inputs This 1-meter cable connects to the small I/O port on the Smart Center or MP46 2-channel BSL Unit and terminates in a male DSub25 connector. Use to…

ICG (thorax) [Advanced Feature]

To record ICG (thorax) use the following BIOPAC hardware: Standard setup: Noninvasive Cardiac Output Amplifier NICO100D Smart Amplifier measures thoracic impedance for performing noninvasive cardiac output measurements Lead Sets LEAD131 for…

Integrated (RMS) EMG [Advanced Feature]

Integrated EMG (iEMG) is defined as the area under the curve of the rectified EMG signal; that is, the mathematical integral of the absolute value of the raw EMG signal.…