Eye Tracking | Screen-based

Screen-based remote eye tracking enables real-time eye tracking as participants observe any digital screen— from 22” to 75” —without glasses or other obtrusive hardware and lets you capture gaze position, dwell time, blink rate, pupil size, and more. Since the system uses an infrared camera and provides its own light source, you can track in different lighting conditions: outside in sunny lighting conditions, inside a vehicle, in a dark room, even in complete darkness.

Individual and aggregate data reports include Gaze Path, Gaze Plot, Heat Map, and Attention Map. Create user-defined Areas of Interest (AOI) and select Scarf Plot, String Plot, Pie Chart, and Key Performance Indicator (KPI) metrics. Easily combine concurrent physiological data such as Heart Rate, EDA, SCR/SCL, etc., record biometrics from a Wireless Smart Center, MP160, or MP36R Research System.

Understand more with screen-based eye tracking!

  • Synchronized eye tracking and physiology data
  • Single user interface—presentation, eye tracking and physiology data
  • Fixation displays—gazepath, graduated gazepath, fixations and graduated fixations
  • Attention maps—heat, 3D surface, and luminance
  • Area of Interest creation
  • Stimulation, beep alert and external triggering
  • Detailed Key Performance Indicator (KPI) reports – eye tracking and physiology combined in one single report


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