BSL Update from 3.7.1 Windows or above

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Installed Version/Support Info
Upgrade Options and Procedure
BSL 3.7.3 with a build date of 06.25.2008.
BSL 3.7.3 for Windows OS
Your software is current if the Help > About Biopac Student Lab dialog shows Build 06.25.2008.
  • This version was released to support MP36 data acquisition unitsĀ (and is also compatible with MP35 units).
  • This version includes complimentary BSL Lesson guides (PDF) with detailed setup, recording, analysis, and Data Reports.
BSL 3.7.2 with a build date of 05.21.2007.
BSL 3.7.2 for Windows OS
If the Help > About Biopac Student Lab dialog shows Build 05.21.2007, you do not require the upgrade to BSL 3.7.3 unless you also have an MP36 data acquisition unit.
BSL 3.7.1 with build date 06.02.2006.
BSL 3.7.1 for Windows OS
Eligible for free upgrade. Contact BIOPAC to confirm registration and obtain a free upgrade code.
Note: You should also check to see whether you need a free MP36/35 driver update.

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