Common Knowledge, Gambling, & Sex Differences—New Citations

Brand new publications have been released featuring BIOPAC solutions. These new papers include: Gambling and Arousal: Researchers examined the relationships associated with arousal during the Iowa Gambling Task including personality, phases of gambling, and perceived control of gambling task. A BIOPAC MP150 system with EDA amplifiers were used to record Skin Conductance Response (SCR) in […]

Soccer Players, ADHD Medicine & Valuing Happiness—New Citations

Brand new publications have been released featuring BIOPAC solutions. These new papers include: Nervous System Activity in Soccer Players: Researchers studied the autonomic nervous modulation in soccer players in comparison to ordinary individuals and the effect of rest on that modulation. ECG signals were recorded from participants using a BIOPAC MP150 system. Read the entire […]

Disgust, Parkinson’s, and Alternative Med—New Citations

Brand new publications have been released featuring BIOPAC solutions. These new papers include: Disgust and Fear with Sexual Arousal: An experiment was recently performed to investigate how disgust and fear interact with women’s sexual arousal. Results were acquired using a BIOPAC MP system and AcqKnowledge software. Read the entire paper here. Enhancing Willingness to Exert […]

BioNomadix Logger Records Great Data

Here are some brand new images of the BioNomadix Logger recording ECG rate EDA, ECG RSP, & EMG Goniometer:  -ECG Rate EDA AcqKnowledge Data -ECG RSP AcqKnowledge Data -EMG Goniometry AcqKnowledge Data The Logger can also record EEG, EOG, EGG, Pulse, Temperature, Impedance Cardiography, Strike Force (Heel-Toe), Clench Force (Dynamometry), Torsiometry, and Accelerometry. You can […]

Emotional Finance, PTSD, and Robotic Actions—New Citations

Brand new publications have been released featuring BIOPAC solutions. These new papers include: Emotional Responses to Financial Info: Researchers sought to study the role of emotions in the decision-making process of traders. The study used BioNomadix wireless sensors to record Electrodermal Activity (EDA) from the participants. Download the study here. Observation and Imitation of Actions: […]

Neuropsychophysiological mapping at 7T – OHBM presentation

Neuropsychophysiological mapping was the topic of Jennifer Robinson’s poster presentation at the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) Annual Meeting 2015. The presentation reviews data acquired using BIOPAC MR-compatible modules, leads, and electrodes during simultaneous ultra high field, high-resolution functional neuroimaging. The poster clearly explains setup and shows neural correlates paired with ECG, EMG, EDA, and Grip, […]

Affect Responses, ICP, and Arterial Oxygen—New Citations

Brand new publications have been released featuring BIOPAC solutions. These new papers include: Comparing Affective Responses to Photos and Video: This study tested the capability of different multimedia databases in the stimulation of the participants’ emotions. Subjects were exposed to picture and video stimuli while a BIOPAC MP150 system monitored skin conductance, ECG, skin temperature, […]

Independent Research Validates B-Alert X10 Wireless EEG Metrics

B-Alert X10 offers mobile, wireless acquisition of 9 channels of high fidelity EEG plus ECG, and AcqKnowledge adds powerful analysis tools, including automated scoring and reporting options. Independent research publications demonstrating how B-Alert X10 EEG Metrics are generalizing across environments include: Accelerated Learning: Optimizing Surgeon Training Brain activity was monitored during all tasks with a B-Alert X10 […]

Kenyans Inspired by BIOPAC Research and Teaching Systems

BIOPAC Distributor Gideon Burger of Axiology Labs, based in South Africa, hosted a BIOPAC workshop in Kenya in mid May to introduce teaching and research solutions for Universities. Participants had a hands-on opportunity to learn why BIOPAC is recognized around the world as the premier choice for life science research or teaching—and why BIOPAC is […]

Cycling, Swimming, and Social Power—New Citations

Brand new publications have been released featuring BIOPAC solutions. These new papers include: Maximal Effort Cycling Test: Researchers evaluated EMG frequency changes during a three-minute maximal effort cycling test session and examined whether mean or median frequency was better for evaluation. Raw EMG signals were recorded with an MP150 system and analyzed using