ANS 2016

Sunday, December 4, 2016 - Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Hobart, Australia

SDR Scientific

SDR Scientific will be attending this year’s ANS annual conference. ANS is the largest meeting of neuroscientists in the Australasian region and will include four plenary lectures.

New MP160 systems support 20+ amplifiers—including noninvasive cardiac output, noninvasive BP & stimulus presentation. NEW fNIR optical imaging sensors and wireless system. NEW VizMove Virtual Reality Systems include everything you need to create and experience interactive virtual reality applications for seated, standing, walking, and projection environments. Physiological data acquisition amplifiers, transducers, software—NEW smart BioNomadix BioShirt, wireless, wearable BioNomadix Logger, wireless BioNomadix amplifiers, B-Alert X10 EEG, fNIR optical brain imaging. New Eye Tracking Glasses and new Eye Tracking solution options for Mobile or Portable recording.

Find more information on the conference website.

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