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Advantages of Laser Doppler Flowmetry [Advanced Feature]

Principally, Laser Doppler Flowmetry (LDF) makes use of the fact that when a coherent, low-powered laser illuminates tissue, light is scattered in static structures as well as in moving blood…

Cognitive State Analysis [Advanced Feature]

Assess Cognitive Activity in Real-Life Situations Powerful Neuroscience Solutions from BIOPAC

Consumer Neuroscience – fNIR Optical Brain Imaging [Advanced Feature]

fNIR functional near infrared optical imaging systems measure oxygen level changes in the prefrontal cortex of human subjects. Each fNIR system provides real-time monitoring of tissue oxygenation in the brain as subjects…

fNIR for Muscle Oxygenation [Advanced Feature]

Record microvascular oxygenation during muscle activation Sample Data download → (extract biceps_EMG_fnir_demo.acq) Using functional Near Infrared (fNIR) to study muscle function can provide greater understanding of the underlying control mechanisms that couple…

MRI Small Animal Monitoring [Advanced Feature]

The BIOPAC MP160 System supports small animal MRI monitoring system for ECG, Heart Rate, EMG, blood pressure, respiration, temperature, pulse oximetry, CO2 and O2 gas analysis, electrical stimulation, and MRI…

NIRS Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) [Advanced Feature]

The fNIR100 stand-alone functional brain imaging system for continuous NIR spectroscopy (NIRS) provides an in-lab cognitive function assessment. It eliminates a great many of the drawbacks of a functional MRI.…

Objective Response Assessment [Advanced Feature]

fNIR optical brain imaging systems can be used to obtain objective response assessment instead of relying on subjective responses from a participant. fNIR measures neural activity and hemodynamic response in…

Psychophysiology [Application]

Record and analyze BP, ECG, HRV, EDA, EMG, EEG, EOG, RSP, etc. Interface to stimulus presentation programs...use automated analysis routines to easily score and analyze data.

Recording Swallowing/Deglutition [Advanced Feature]

Deglutition means the act or process of swallowing. There are many ways to record swallowing/deglutition. Using a pressure pad delivers high quality data and is much simpler than standard approaches…

Scripting [Application]

Customize acquisitions, display, and UI, automate analysis routines, perform batch analyses, and expedite your research time to publish faster! No experience required.

Stimulus Presentation with fNIR [Advanced Feature]

The fNIR100 series of stand-alone functional brain imaging systems provide users with an in-lab assessment of cognitive function. They eliminates a great many of the drawbacks of a functional MRI. The…

Virtual Reality with fNIR [Advanced Feature]

fNIR functional near infrared systems for optical brain imaging can interface with the BIOPAC virtual reality platform. BIOPAC VR provides controlled and replicable experimental setups and allows manipulation of the…