Recording Swallowing/Deglutition

Deglutition means the act or process of swallowing. There are many ways to record swallowing/deglutition. Using a pressure pad delivers high quality data and is much simpler than standard approaches that use single or multichannel EMG (EMG collar) with an added accelerometer piezo electric sensor , etc. The TSD110 pressure pad is a minimally invasive and easy to deploy solution, making it much easier when collecting data from infants and toddlers. BIOPAC also offers the TSD110-MRI pressure pad for MRI settings.

The demo video (scroll down and click Videos tab) shows a participant swallowing, talking, and drinking while deglutition data is recorded with an MP Research System using a BioNomadix EMG transmitter and a TSD110 pressure pad. AcqKnowledge Software displays the video of the participant synchronized with data from the two EMG channels and the pressure pad when deglutition, talking, and drinking occur.

  • You can download the data file and the participant video here: Swallowing Data (Log-in Required); you may need to reassociate the file and the video in AcqKnowledge.


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This is one of many ADVANCED FEATURES for the selected Application. Scroll down for hardware options.

Data Options 

  • Add a second pressure pad to calculate velocity
  • Add a microphone to detect vocalization (use TCI115 to interface standard, dynamic XLR microphones)
  • Add an airflow transducer and nasal cannula to study respiration and swallowing, apnea, etc.
  • For a completely wireless recording, use BN-DYNEMG
  • Use accelerometers, such as the TSD109C3 to record deglutition data

For more information on how to best set up BIOPAC equipment for an experiment focused on deglutition please reach out to your local sales representative.


Measuring Swallowing/Deglutition with BIOPAC

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