AcqKnowledge users can select more than one EEG channel for simultaneous analysis in the Derive Alpha RMS, Derive EEG Frequency Bands, and EEG Frequency Analysis routines in v4.3 or above. AcqKnowledge Data Acquisition & Analysis Software
AcqKnowledge Ensemble Average Feature
An introduction to the AcqKnowledge automated Ensemble Average feature. AcqKnowledge Data Acquisition & Analysis Software
AcqKnowledge Pulmonary Airflow
An introduction to the AcqKnowledge Pulmonary Airflow analysis routine, which is part of a suite of three automated respiration routines; the other two are Compliance and Resistance and Full Body Plethysmograph – Penh. Each routine provides breath-by-breath analysis, event marking and exporting of the values to excel.
Pulmonary Airflow analysis with AcqKnowledge
AcqKnowledge Waterfall Plot
A demonstration of AcqKnowledge‘s Waterfall Plot routine. AcqKnowledge Waterfall Plot
Automated ECG Analysis- Lead II
An introduction to LEAD II ECG analysis and scoring using AcqKnowledge. AcqKnowledge Data Acquisition & Analysis Software
Blood Pressure Analysis
An introduction to the AcqKnowledge automated blood pressure analysis routine. AcqKnowledge Data Acquisition & Analysis Software
Classify Heartbeats
A demonstration of the AcqKnowledge Detect and Classify Heartbeats analysis routine. The routine will classify human Lead II ECG data and label the waveform to indicate whether a heartbeat is normal, a preventricular contraction or unclassified. AcqKnowledge ECG Analysis
Compliance and Resistance
An introduction to the AcqKnowledge Compliance and Resistance analysis routine. The routine will calculate volume from an airflow signal and create a new volume channel. The software identifies key components of the waveform and places event marks on the signal. The routine uses the event marks to take measurements from the data before pasting the results into a Journal file or spreadsheet for further analysis. AcqKnowledge Data Acquisition & Analysis Software
Digital Input to Stim Events
A demonstration of the AcqKnowledge Digital Input to Stim Events analysis routine. This routine will convert digital trigger information sent from visual presentation systems such as E-Prime, SuperLab, Presentation, and Vizard to stimulus events that AcqKnowledge can use to perform an event related analysis. AcqKnowledge Data Acquisition & Analysis Software
EDA – SCR Event Related Analysis
An introduction to event-related EDA (Electrodermal Activity analysis)/ GSR (Galvanic skin response) using AcqKnowledge 4.1.1 and higher. AcqKnowledge EDA Analysis
EEG – Automated Filtering
An introduction to the AcqKnowledge automated EEG filtering routines. This demonstration shows the EEG Alpha RMS and EEG Frequency Band tools (Alpha, Beta, Theta, Delta, Gamma). AcqKnowledge EEG Analysis
EEG – EOG Artifact Removal
An introduction to the AcqKnowledge automated EEG analysis routine. This demonstration shows how to remove EOG blink artifacts from raw EEG data. AcqKnowledge EEG Analysis
EEG Frequency Analysis | AcqKnowledge Demonstration
An introduction to the AcqKnowledge EEG analysis routines. This demonstration shows how to perform an automated frequency and power analysis on a raw EEG waveform. AcqKnowledge Data Acquisition & Analysis Software
EMG – Derive Integrated EMG
A demonstration of the AcqKnowledge Derive Integrated EMG analysis routine. AcqKnowledge EMG Analysis
EMG – Derive Root Mean Square
A demonstration of the AcqKnowledge Derive Root Mean Square routine. AcqKnowledge EMG Analysis
EMG – Frequency and Power Analysis
A demonstration of the AcqKnowledge Frequency and Power Analysis routine. Learn more about Power Spectrum Analysis and other AcqKnowledge EMG Analysis tools.
EMG – Locate Muscle Activation
A demonstration of the AcqKnowledge Locate Muscle Activation automated analysis routine. AcqKnowledge EMG Analysis
EMG- Derive Average Rectified
A demonstration of the AcqKnowledge Derive Average Rectified routine. AcqKnowledge EMG Analysis
Ensemble average
An introduction to the AcqKnowledge ensemble average routine. AcqKnowledge Data Acquisition & Analysis Software
EPOCH Analysis Demonstration
An introduction to the AcqKnowledge automated Epoch Analysis routine. AcqKnowledge Data Acquisition & Analysis Software
Estimated Cardiac Output from Blood Pressure
Estimate Cardiac Output from Arterial Blood Pressure (ABP): this automated routine requires a continuous noninvasive blood pressure waveform—such as the signal from the NIBP100D module—and uses the Liljestrand and Zander estimator to calculate stroke volume and cardiac output on a cycle-by-cycle basis. Output results to speadsheet, journal, and waveform. This is a new feature available for AcqKnowledge 4.4 and above.
Focus Areas | AcqKnowledge Tutorial
Focus Areas is a powerful analysis tool available in AcqKnowledge 4.3 or above. Focus Areas allow the user to specify and mark areas of interest in the data for further analysis. Next, automated analysis routines or the cycle detector can be run specifically on the Focus Areas instead of the entire data file. This in-depth tutorial covers the basics of Focus Areas as well as specific examples for Automated BP Analysis (2:12), Automated EDA Analysis/ GSR analysis (5:52), Automated Ensemble Averaging (9:39), and Automated Find Cycle Analysis (13:20). AcqKnowledge Data Acquisition & Analysis Software
Focus Areas | Automatically Create Using Define Between Events
This screencast shows how to use the Focus Areas > Define Between Events utility that is accessible from the Analysis menu in AcqKnowledge 4.3 or above. This automated utility is a simplified alternative to using Find Cycle tools to create Focus Areas. The example demonstrates how to create Focus Areas from digital inputs. AcqKnowledge Data Acquisition & Analysis Software.
Gastric Wave Analysis
Introduction to the AcqKnowledge Gastric Wave Analysis and Gastric Wave Coupling routines. These routines use autoregressive time frequency analysis to determine the classification of gastric waves present in an EGG file. The waves are divided into three primary categories – normal, bradygastric and tachygastric and the percentage for each category is determined. The coupling analysis determines the degree of coupling between two channels of EGG data and can be used to determine the degree of slow-wave propagation across the stomach. AcqKnowledge Gastric Wave Analysis
HRV Analysis: Fully-automated Routine in AcqKnowledge
This video demonstrates the fully-automated Heart Rate Variability analysis routine available in AcqKnowledge software. A multi-tab dialog guides you through options to define the tachogram using a QRS detector or events in the data, set the frequency bands, use automatic or manual PSD settings, and control the output. AcqKnowledge HRV Data Analysis
- AcqKnowledge 4.4 and above include additional HRV features; the analysis shown in this video can be found as: Analysis > HRV and RSA > Single-epoch HRV – Spectral.
ICG dZ dt Classifier
Demonstration of impedance cardiography dZ/dt classifier automation in AcqKnowledge. AcqKnowledge Impedance Cardiography Analysis
Locate Animal ECG Complex Boundaries in AcqKnowledge
AcqKnowledge 4.3 implements a new routine that locates and marks animal ECG complex boundaries. This routine functions the same way as the Locate Human ECG Complex Boundaries routine contained in previous AcqKnowledge versions but it optimized for the faster heart rates of small animals. Simply enter in the average heart rate for the file and run the routine to locate and mark ECG complex boundaries. AcqKnowledge Data Acquisition & Analysis Software
LVP Analysis
A demonstration of the AcqKnowledge Left Ventricular Pressure Analysis routine. AcqKnowledge Data Acquisition & Analysis Software
Monophasic Action Potential Analysis
A demonstration of the AcqKnowledge Monophasic Action Potential Analysis routine. The MAP analysis will create a derivative waveform and score both the raw action potential signal and its derivative with key events. AcqKnowledge uses the events to take measurements from the signals and paste them into a Journal file or a spreadsheet for further analysis. AcqKnowledge Data Acquisition & Analysis Software
Pressure-Volume Loop Analysis with AcqKnowledge
Use BIOPAC’s Pressure-Volume Loop package to record and analyze pressure-volume loop data from anesthetized animals. During recording, see updated cardiac values every second in a text display and see the most recent loop data in graphical form (user can specify recent time length interval). Easily pause the recording and run a quick baseline analysis for per-loop cardiac measures to ensure proper catheter positioning or to view changes from experimental conditions. After recording, perform in depth Pressure-Volume Loop Analysis with an intuitive loop graph display with a built-in text table and overlaid statistical measures. PV Loop Analysis is available with AcqKnowledge 4.3 or above. AcqKnowledge Data Acquisition & Analysis Software
RSA Analysis
An introduction to the AcqKnowledge Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia Analysis (RSA) routine. RSA analysis with AcqKnowledge
Seizure Detection using AcqKnowledge
AcqKnowledge now provides a routine for locating seizures in long-term small animal EEG recordings…automatically identify and score seizures using the spike frequency method. The system processes user-defined rules and time periods to define and classify seizure activity within a particular epoch. Seizure interval and intensity results are output to a spreadsheet, journal file, and waveform plot. Isolate only the segments that contain seizure activity and quickly run measurements. Learn more about Seizure Detection – AcqKnowledge Automation. Use wireless Epoch EEG Systems to record two channels of EEG data.
Stim Response Analysis
A demonstration of the AcqKnowledge Stimulus Response Analysis routine. This routine identifies stimulus events in the software and takes measurements from the data at, or about, the stimulus event location. The routine pastes the measurement results into a Journal file or a spreadsheet for further analysis. AcqKnowledge Stim-Response Analysis Tools
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