On Demand | Bioimpedance and Cardiac Output with TREV

A User-friendly, Noninvasive Technique

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In this webinar, you will learn a technique—Trans-radial Electrical Bioimpedance Velocimetry (TREV)—that is more user-friendly and less invasive than the transthoracic method. TREV measures blood movement in the radial and ulnar arteries of the forearm via bioimpedance.

The somewhat invasive transthoracic method involves bioimpedance measurements on the torso via tape, strip or spot electrodes. It takes considerable time to set up and is sensitive to upper body movement, requiring special care and instructions for participants to limit movements. There is a trade-off between participant comfort and data quality.

With transthoracic impedance cardiography, normal ventilation causes changes of thoracic shape that are not accounted for in ideal models. The heart’s venous return complicates the problem of examining sympathetic responses separately from other physiological variables. In addition, the analysis depends on locating the B-point (aortic valve opening time). This point can be difficult to identify, even when experts are involved.

Alternatively with TREV, beat-by-beat cardiac contractility can be measured more easily with none of the complications associated with impedance cardiography. BIOPAC has developed special hardware to reduce setup time and complexity as well as obtain high-quality data.

Topics We Will Cover:

  • Presentation and discussion of TREV
    • Dr. Donald Philip Bernstein was awarded five U.S. patents, his most recent of which is a new equation, Trans-radial Electrical Velocimetry (TREV)
  • Derived Indices Relevant to TREV
    • Contractility Index
    • Acceleration
    • Velocity
    • The Integral of Velocity
    • Cardiac Output
  • Hardware setup
  • Participant setup
  • Recognizing good quality and bad quality data
  • Demonstration with the grip anticipation test
  • Review of results from other tests

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