fNIRSoft Scripting Manual




fnirSoft (fS) is a stand-alone software package designed to process, analyze and visualize functional near-infrared spectroscopy signals through both graphical user interface and/or scripting. This document provides an introductory tutorial for fnirSoft scripting (programming).

fS script is a data-driven functional programming language for neuroimaging data and was designed to do more with less code and be both readable by humans and computers. The idea is to write simple procedural text to easily manage and automate data processing for scientific computing.

fS Script takes advantage of neuroimaging data structure and using intrinsic language features and commands to eliminate repetitive and error-prone elements that would be necessary to process data in other languages.

fS Script is also aimed to help repeatable research by standardizing functional neuroimaging signal processing steps and helping to establish conventions that can be replicated over time on different datasets.

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