New Citations | Predicting Indicators of Driver Fatigue with Eye Tracking Technology

PC: Makhmutova Dina

Correlating Driver Fatigue and Altitude Change

In ongoing efforts to make our roads ever safer, frequent studies are published researching driver fatigue. In this study, researchers used wearable Eye Tracking technology and recorded eye movement, blink rate, and other physiological signals with the BIOPAC MP160 Data Acquisition Unit. The purpose of the study was to find a correlation between extreme changes in altitude, a common cause of general fatigue, and driver fatigue, using part of China’s road network in mountainous regions as a laboratory.

Read the Full Study: Estimating Driving Fatigue at a Plateau Area with Frequent and Rapid Altitude Change (Fan Wang, Hong Chen, Cai-hua Zhu, Si-rui Nan, Yan Li)

Want to learn more about Eye Tracking? Watch our New Eye Tracking Fundamentals Webinar!

Impact of Sleep Apnea on Childhood Development

Obese adolescents frequently suffer from Sleep Apnea, leading to loss of critical sleep during development. New technologies and studies are frequently performed to test new strategies in helping these children get their much-needed sleep. A recent study aimed to measure the effect of Sleep Apnea on upper airway flow. In conjunction with a face mask, several BIOPAC productsincluding a OXY-MRI Pulse Oximeter, TSD117 Flow Transducer for MRI, and a MP-Series Data Acquisition Unitmeasured pulse and oxygen flow to compare subjects.

Read the Full Study:  Effect of Sleep on Upper Airway Dynamics in Obese Children with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (S. Agrawal, S. Sin, S. Lee, J. Udupa, D. Wootton, M. Wagshul, R. Arens)

Muscle Fatigue Responses for Leg Extensions

Olympians train to delay this symptom as long as possible to maximize their chances of winning gold medals. That symptom: muscle fatigue. While research around muscle fatigue is highly variable in the various physiological recordings that can lead to the symptom in different parts of the body, a recent study focused on leg extensions in women and muscle fatigue. In this study, subjects were equipped with electrodes connected to EMG Amplifiers and a BIOPAC MP-Series Data Acquisition Unit.

Read the Full Study: Performance fatigability and neuromuscular responses for bilateral versus unilateral leg extensions in women (John Paul V. Anders, Joshua L. Keller, Cory M. Smith, Ethan C. Hill, Tyler J. Neltner, Terry J. Housh, Richard J. Schmidt, Glen O. Johnson)


New Citations | BIOPAC in Athletic Performance Research

With the anticipation of the 2024 Olympics, there has been lots of recent research on athletic...

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