Monthly Archives: September 2015

B-Alert EEG-Based Metrics in Deadly Force Training

Wireless EEG Cognitive State Data for Training

The B-Alert Wireless EEG system and Cognitive state metrics software were highlighted by NBC News San Diego on the August 17th edition of their newscast, which reported they were being used during police deadly force training. NBC News profiles the recently validated findings from Advanced Brain Monitoring, who are using their technology to monitor police officer’s brain activity […]

Social Cues, Taekwondo and Sickle Cells—New Citations

Taekwondo and Muscle Fatigue Analysis

Social Judgments and Brain Activity International researchers have recently teamed up to quantify brain activity of both Canadian and Japanese participants in response to emotion rating tests with background social cues. They used a BIOPAC EEG100C along with MP150 Data Acquisition to obtain ERP data. The study found a significant difference in response activity between […]