Yearly Archives: 2012

BioNomadix & NDT transform EMG data into sound for Compagnie Linga dance

BioNomadix devices were used to collect impulses produced by the movements and muscular activity of dancers, and then Network Data Transfer and digital programming were used to transform the activity into sound, creating a live “soundtrack” for the performance. This process was utilized in a choreographic work called Step 1, a collaborative development by Marco Cantalupo and […]

BIOPAC Basic Scripting – video demos and downloads now available

Significantly reduce analysis time and improve consistency with standardized automated procedures! Use BIOPAC Basic Scripting to improve the quality of your data with greater standardization and consistency—guarantee reproducibility, no matter who is controlling the experiment! Control AcqKnowledge functions, automate recording and analysis routines, customize the AcqKnowledge display with guiding prompts, quickly mark large files, import […]

Disposable RT Electrodes with Leads available

BIOPAC now offers a disposable RT electrode set of three electrodes with hydrogel centers and hydrocolloid ends that terminate in Touchproof leads. Electrodes are 25 mm x 10 mm with a 10 mm x 10 mm gelled contact area, and the micro-lead cables are 58 cm. Each box includes 20 sets of 3 electrodes. See […]

fNIRSoft released for optical brain imaging analysis

New release! fNIRSoft Stand-alone Software fNIRSoft provides wizard tools and an easy-to-use interface for Temporal Visualization, Time Series Analysis, Topography, Data Management, Scripting Engine, and Signal Analysis. fNIRSoft Standard edition is included in fNIR100A, fNIR200A, fNIR300A, and fNIR100W Systems. fNIRSoft Pro Edition is included pre-loaded in the fNIR400 System. See fNIRSoft Software Options to add […]

New Video Tutorials for Analysis, Lessons, and more!

New video tutorials are now available online for AcqKnowledge Analysis Features,  AcqKnowledge Automated Analysis, Developer Tools, Hardware Setup, Biopac Student Lab lesson procedures & sample data, and Biopac Science Lab lesson procedures & sample data. More than 60 videos are currently available! Click “Demos & Videos” on the left menu under Research, Education, or Secondary Education […]

Wireless movement data transformed into sound for Linga dance production

 Watch additional tones – linga & stade trailer ADDITIONAL TONES, the latest production featuring dance Compagnie Linga, the electronic music group STADE, and BioNomadix wireless physiology amplifiers premiered in February at the Octogone Théâtre de Pully (CH). The music of the piece is shared between the dancers, two live musicians, and BioNomadix Wireless Accelerometry and Gyro units […]