Measuring the Emotional State of Guilt with Eye Tracking, EDA/GSR & fMRI

Thursday, March 10, 2022

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Guilt is a powerful social emotion that can motivate humans to change their behavior. When researching guilt, Dr. Hongbo Yu used psychophysiology, eye tracking, and neuroimaging while exploring how eye contact enhances the emotional arousal of guilt. Participants were monitored while looking at the eye region or the nose region of fellow participants receiving pain stimulation in a video. Eye tracking ensured that the participant was fixating over the correct target region of the face and arousal levels were recorded using electrodermal activity as the participant watched the video.

Dr. Yu also designed an interactive paradigm that required participants to play multiple rounds of a dot-estimation task with two partners. Failure in the task would result in the partner receiving electric shocks. Again, eye tracking and electrodermal activity tracked where the person was looking and recorded the participant’s arousal level.

Join BIOPAC and Dr. Yu to learn about his research on interpersonal guilt during social interaction and pain stimulation. Dr. Yu walks you through his experiment and explains the results. BIOPAC’s Tim Cook reviews the types of equipment you can use to conduct an experiment when researching emotion and affect.

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About Dr. Hongbo Yu
Dr. Yu received his Ph.D. in psychology in 2016 and his B.S. in physics in 2010 from Peking University, China. His Ph.D. work with Dr. Xiaolin Zhou investigated the neural bases of social emotions (e.g., guilt, gratitude) by developing social interactive tasks that can naturally and repeatedly elicit social emotions in laboratory environments. Shortly after receiving his Ph.D., Dr. Yu joined Dr. Molly Crockett’s lab as a postdoctoral researcher, first at the University of Oxford, where he was awarded a British Academy Newton International Fellowship, and then at Yale University. His postdoctoral research has focused on the neurocomputational mechanisms of moral judgment and decision-making. In 2021, he was named an Association for Psychological Science (APS) “Rising Star.” He joined the faculty at UCSB in 2019.

Tim CookAbout Tim Cook Tim is a Product Expert who has helped hundreds of researchers since joining BIOPAC in 2004.  He’s now Sales Manager & Central Region Representative. He holds a B.B.A. from Baylor University and M.S. in Health & Human Development (with a focus on Biomechanics) from Montana State. His master’s work focused on maintaining muscle mass and bone density in Zero-G environments (i.e., space flight).

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