Monthly Archives: October 2008

Mind Controlled Car uses BIOPAC Telemetry

Mind Controlled Car—the premier episode of the new Discovery Channel series “Prototype This!”—used BIOPAC equipment to measure a driver’s heart rate and GSR as indicators of mental state as part of a feedback system that turns the car off when a driver reaches “road rage.” The series features a team of expert engineers who work […]

SleepSign multi animal staging and FFT update

October 2008—SleepSign™ R2.13.263.807 update for multi animal staging and FFT algorithm February 2008—SleepSign™ released With SleepSign™ software (SSA100W), you can observe the quantity, quality, and condition of sleep use EEG, EMG, ECG, body temperature, and other signals to detail various sleep stages apply automatic or manual Stage Scoring, Hypnogram & Trend information, and Frequency […]