Yearly Archives: 2008

AcqKnowledge 4 released with over 100 new features

Scoring and automation tools included in the new AcqKnowledge 4 software help you standardize your analysis protocol and eliminate subjectivity. AcqKnowledge 4 is not a locked system so you can edit the scoring and rerun any of the automated analysis routines using the edited file. The new tools save an immense amount of time and […]


Reading Voters' Minds—a CNN story originally aired February 4, 2008—shows BIOPAC equipment used to record facial EMG and EDA (GSR) as indicators of what eight undecided California voters like and dislike as they watch candidates debate. Data recorded with an MP150 System/TEL100C and AcqKnowledge® software is used to compare how voters said they felt about […]

BIOPAC on Good Morning America – ABC News

January 7, 2008 BIOPAC worked with Good Morning America and Lucid Systems to record the physiological responses of eight participants while they watched the New Hampshire debate. The BIOPAC TEL100 System was used to record facial muscle activity (EMG from the corrugator muscle) and hand sweat (EDA), and AcqKnowledge software provided results for each individual […]

Biopac Science Lab MP40 Catalog available

February 28, 2008 Students explore the inner workings of the human body with a new, inexpensive physiology monitor called the Biopac Science Lab system—specially designed for secondary education. Students record and analyze data from their own bodies. The new catalog includes an introduction to the Biopac Science Lab system, lesson summaries (including objectives and tasks performed […]

Mind Controlled Car uses BIOPAC Telemetry

Mind Controlled Car—the premier episode of the new Discovery Channel series “Prototype This!”—used BIOPAC equipment to measure a driver’s heart rate and GSR as indicators of mental state as part of a feedback system that turns the car off when a driver reaches “road rage.” The series features a team of expert engineers who work […]

SleepSign multi animal staging and FFT update

October 2008—SleepSign™ R2.13.263.807 update for multi animal staging and FFT algorithm February 2008—SleepSign™ released With SleepSign™ software (SSA100W), you can observe the quantity, quality, and condition of sleep use EEG, EMG, ECG, body temperature, and other signals to detail various sleep stages apply automatic or manual Stage Scoring, Hypnogram & Trend information, and Frequency […]