New Citations | Large Group Studies

BIOPAC provides software and hardware that allows research teams to study large group interactions. Here are a few notable studies using BIOPAC equipment for large group research focusing on participation and EDA data.

Participation is Key

Active participation in education is always thought to lead to better results. Using two groups of six students, TA’s led labs using Biopac Student Lab, one with a traditional approach and one with an active learning approach. Both groups were tested after to see who retained more information. Read the full study: Voluntary participation in an active learning exercise leads to a better understanding of physiology (Helena Carvalho, Crystal A. West)

Majority Rule vs. Consensus Rule

Between majority rule and consensus rule, which system solves complex problems quicker and more practically? This study aimed to find out using groups of three, five, and seven participants and a MP36 to record galvanic skin response (GSR) while producing solutions using both ruling types. Which ruling system generated better results? Read the full study: Group decision-making: Consensus rule versus majority rule (Elizabeth Taylor, Kelsey Hewitt, Dr. Robert A. Reeves, Dr. Stephen H. Hobbs, W.F. Lawless)

Too Upset to Think

Could a person really be too emotionally upset to provide constructive solutions to social problems? By hooking up participants in large groups to a BIOPAC Data Acquisition System, researchers measured EDA responses in conjunction with verbal solutions given to see how emotional context and emotional arousal play a vital role in problem solving. Read the full study: Too Upset to Think: The Interplay of Borderline Personality Features, Negative Emotions, and Social Problem Solving in the Laboratory (Katherine L. Dixon-Gordon, Alexander L. Chapman, Nathalie Lovasz, Kris Walters)


New Citations | BIOPAC in Athletic Performance Research

With the anticipation of the 2024 Olympics, there has been lots of recent research on athletic...

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