EEG Frequency Analysis – Top Video of 2013

For the second consecutive year, the top-viewed BIOPAC video
was “EEG Frequency Analysis” using AcqKnowledge® software.

AcqKnowledge is a powerful, intuituve data acquisition and analysis tool with automation and scoring routines that streamline complex analyses and provide reproducible results for an array of applications.

Choose from 120+ tutorial screencasts at BIOPAC.COM or click below to watch the EEG Frequency screencast now…
EEG Frequency Automated Analysis

AcqKnowledge provides a wide range of tools for recording displaying and analyzing EEG signals from human and animals subjects. BIOPAC offers a number of hardware solutions to record from single channels of wireless EEG to moderate-density 32 channels of wireless and logged data. Tethered options for as many as 16 channels and dual channel BioNomadix modules provide low-density recordings. The B-Alert system provides nine channels of data with powerful cognitive states analysis software.

AcqKnowledge displays the data in a variety of formats for quick and easy viewing of the data. Use on-line calculation channels to configure channels and filter the data using FIR and IIR filters to provide optimal signals for analysis.

EEG Automated Analysis Routines

AcqKnowledge provides a range of fully-automated routines to provide quick, easy and reproducible results:

  • EEG Frequency Analysis – a fully automated, epoch driven, analysis of the EEG signal. The system uses power spectral density to report Mean Power, Median Frequency, Mean Frequency, Spectral Edge, Peak Frequency values for each epoch.
  • Remove EOG Artifacts – this utility will automatically remove eye blink artifacts from the EEG signal. The analysis uses an independent component analysis technique to separate the EOG signal from the EEG waveform.
  • Approximate Entropy – this statistical measure attempts to quantify the predictability of a data sequence and is a useful tool for examining external factors such as drugs and sleep states on the EEG signal.
  • Rat Seizure Analysis – this new feature will be released with AcqKnowledge 4.4 Q1 2014.
  • Delta Power Analysis – examines the delta waveform and determines the power frequency of the signal. The signal is broken into epochs and the power spectral density is computed and the total power within the delta frequency band is derived from the PSD
  • Derive EEG Frequency Bands
  • Derive Alpha RMS

For more information about BIOPAC tools for your life science protocols, review Applications online or contact BIOPAC at


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