S06 EEG 2 Alpha Rhythms in the Occipital Lobe

In EEG 2, students will discover how the brain constantly receives sensory input and integrates the information before processing it. Students record EEG data from the occipital lobe while performing a number of tasks. The system records and displays the raw EEG together with the alpha wave and alpha-RMS activity. Students compare baseline EEG with the data recorded during the different tasks.

Experimental Objectives

  1. To record an EEG from an awake, resting subject under the following conditions:
    • relaxed with eyes closed;
    • performing mental arithmetic with eyes closed;
    • hyperventilating (breathing quickly and deeply); and
    • relaxed with eyes open.
  2. To examine differences in the level of alpha rhythm activity during mental arithmetic and hyperventilation, compared to the control condition of eyes closed and relaxed.

Tasks Performed by the Student

  • Record EEG data from the occipital lobe.
  • Lie down and relax with eyes closed.
  • Perform mental math problem with eyes closed.
  • Hyperventilate for two minutes.
  • Recover from hyperventilation with eyes open.


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