S01 EMG 1 Motor Unit Recruitment

EMG 1 investigates the properties of skeletal muscle. Students record the EMG data associated with the maximum clench strength for their dominant hand and non-dominant hand. The system records and displays both the raw and integrated EMG signals. Students compare clench strength between their two arms and listen to the sound of their EMG. It is also possible for students to perform a cross-group analysis.

Experimental Objectives

  1. To record maximum clench strength for right and left hands.
  2. To observe, record, and correlate motor unit recruitment with increased power of skeletal muscle contraction
  3. Optional: To listen to EMG sounds and correlate sound intensity with motor unit recruitment.

Tasks Performed by the Student

  • Record EMG from the dominant and non-dominant forearms.
  • Clench fist four times, squeezing harder each time to reach maximum clench strength with the fourth clench.
  • Optional: Listen to the sound of their EMG.


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